Archive Page 7

Carlsbad summer kicks of with a leap

Carlsbad’s July Fourth packed house

The official Colors of Carlsbad bumper sticker

The official ‘Colors of Carlsbad’ bumper sticker is now available celebrating the newest Carlsbad Art Wall mural by Bryan Snyder and Sean Dominguez.

Proceeds from the sales help support future CAW murals, Teen Street Art Workshops and Village art projects.

Show your love for Carlsbad and local art wherever you go!


City of Carlsbad NEW Arts and Culture Master Plan

The City of Carlsbad has developed a new Arts & Culture Master Plan including a multi-tier nesting of roles, goals, strategies and action items. This plan will be presented to the Mayor and City Council for final approval on Tuesday, June 26.

Although comprehensive and encouraging, the plan can be overwhelming for the average Carlsbad citizen. Here is a breakdown of the plan’s organization:


The plan is organized into four City roles, adding three more to the City’s current single role of providing programming.


There are primary themes/goals within each City role. These help define each role.


A little more detail about each goal. Each goal has multiple strategies.

Action Items

Each strategy includes a number of action items. These are the details of exactly what the City will do to achieve each role’s goals. Funding is specified for each action item, although many action items with longer time frames currently rely on a suggested Transient Occupancy Tax increase.


1. Role: Partner
2. Theme/Goal: Foster Arts & Culture  Within the Physical Realm
3. Strategy: Enhance existing venues and explore the potential for additional artistic and performance venues within the city including various funding models such as public-private partnerships.
4. Action Item: Launch a feasibility study to explore the creation of a City of Carlsbad cultural arts facility that responds to the regional interest for a larger performance venue for professional theater and can provide classrooms, rehearsal spaces and production studios


The plan as a whole is very strong, but it seems to devalue the community’s sizeable response in support for murals by excluding the emerging mural culture as a Top 10 action item priority. (see above graphic)

Furthermore, the only Top 10 action item within the goal of ‘Foster Arts & Culture Within the Physical Realm’ is to research and develop a feasibility plan for an artistic and performing arts center. Although exciting, this traditional space (theatre, art gallery, concert hall) does not fit the goal’s description. (see below)

Foster Arts & Culture Within the Physical Realm (pg. 50)
Today, peoples’ expectations about art, where they see it and what they experience, are changing. Many want to see arts and culture as infused within the very fabric of the city. Whether this means more artwork along city trails, new murals downtown, or local neighborhood art projects, Carlsbad residents would like to expand upon their traditional experiences of seeing art inside galleries and performance spaces, to seeing art in new and surprising ways all around them.

The action item: ‘support the continuation and development of Carlsbad’s emerging mural culture’ would better fit the goal’s description of non-traditional experiences and responds to the community’s overwhelming support for emerging mural culture in Carlsbad.

Continue reading the community comments submitted via the online surveys in support of murals!

Continue reading ‘City of Carlsbad NEW Arts and Culture Master Plan’

CORI for Carlsbad Mayor sign painting gathering

On June 10, the community gathered to repurpose a large collection of CORI for Carlsbad MAYOR signs in the parking lot of Giacoletti Music Center in the Carlsbad Village.

The event was organized to keep up with the demand of signs and kick off the campaign to elect the City Council member as the next Carlsbad Mayor.

Would you like a sign? Contact:

Learn more about CORI? Subscribe to her newsletter!

The Grand Displacement

The long-standing buildings on the property at Harding and Grand have been demolished forcing nearly 80 small businesses to relocate.

The land is now owned by Chris McKellar of MeKellar McGowan in La Jolla who will be developing the land into 33 upper-scale condos.


Colors of Carlsbad mural unveiling

On May 22, Carlsbad artists Bryan Snyder and Sean Dominguez unveiled the new Colors of Carlsbad mural at the Carlsbad Art Wall in collaboration with Visit Carlsbad, Hire Influence and Pantone Color Institute.

View the photos from the weekend of painting!

Drone photograph and live drone broadcast by:
Carlsbad Aerial Studio
Airvision Productions

Carlsbad Art Wall x Visit Carlsbad mural by Bryan Snyder and Sean Dominguez

On the weekend of May 19, Carlsbad artists Bryan Snyder and Sean Dominguez painted a mural on the Carlsbad Art Wall titled Colors of Carlsbad in collaboration with Visit Carlsbad, Hire Influence and Pantone Color Institute.

The 2018 Colors of Travel Study, which identified trending colors used in inspirational travel photos across social media and the color psychology that inform these themes, reveled four trending colors: PANTONE 14-4620 Island Paradise, PANTONE 14-1323 Salmon, PANTONE 19-6050 Eden, and PANTONE 16-1340 Brandied Melon.

In collaboration with the study, Snyder was tasked with developing a design that exhibited these colors in a Carlsbad theme mural, which was painted over two days in collaboration with Dominguez.

See photos from the mural unveiling!

Bryan Snyder reflects on painting Aviara Oaks Middle School

I arrived on the campus of Aviara Oaks Middle School while students found their classes and parents maneuvered the gauntlet of the morning drop-off. The sky was heavy with gray and a late spring wind tumbled off the ocean.

I greeted my canvas, a 30 ft. tall wall on the backside of an elevator column. I had 10 hours to paint before the school’s scheduled open house and the unveiling of my mural, along with three others by Skye Walker, Tierney Moses and Sean Dominguez.

I stood in front of the wall with design in a hand and glanced up at the blank canvas and then at my design. I mapped the exact point where red, orange and yellow would join. On top of these warm colors, and further from the light blue background, a stenciled student carried by a falcon would triumphantly soar skyward.

I began sketching the composition with straight lines growing from the base of rounded patterns like a flower emerging from a shower-damped soil.

I loaded the lift with multiple gallons of paint and carefully maneuvered within the dirt base and up the stucco surface. Moments after the ring of each schoolbell, I found myself in a sea of students that filled and receded like the tides at a full moon.

Hundreds of eyes affixed on me and the progress of Falcon Boy, named after the school’s mascot. Seeing all those young and intrigued eyes reminded me of a very important moment during my childhood, as a young student at Magnolia Elementary in Carlsbad, when a visiting artist changed my life.

I knew that I could potentially inspire like the artist who inspired me many years ago. The one who published the “How to draw” book that I saved my lunch money to buy off a classmate. The artist who produced the after-school drawing television series that I raced home each day to watch, and most importantly, the artist who inspired me to follow my passion.

As I painted at the school, students lined the second level balcony for art trivia. Students who answered my modern art questions received once unattainable treasures from the rooftop I painted from.

Many students found interest in the large stencil sprawled on the asphalt at the base of the wall. Encouraging them to take a closer look at the stencil technique, I invited them to draw and write poetry directly on it. One student helped me roll a section of the mural and another bounced around the campus capturing the progress of my mural through a series of photos. I traded drawings with another student who sat and documented my mural through pencil illustrations.

I finished the mural after school’s end. Luckily most of the students returned with their parents for open house. Hundreds of eyes watched as removed the final falcon stencil resulting in a thunderous applause, though I considered the art the interactions I had with the students hours prior.

Like that day the the artist visited my 3rd grade school, I visited Aviara Oaks Middle School to engage with the students, share the creative process—and most importantly—to encourage the discovery of one’s passion.

Thank you Aviara Oaks Middle School and the Carlsbad School District for facilitating this experience for the students!

black and white portrait by Bane Visnjic

Aviara Oaks Middle School gets some color

On May 17, artists Sean Dominguez, Tierney Moses, Bryan Snyder and Skye Walker painted the walls of Aviara Oaks Middle School in Carlsbad.

The unveiling of each mural coincided with the school’s open house night welcoming students, teachers and parents.

A special thanks to Marina Hall and Nicole Moersch for advocating for a more colorful campus!

Interested in viewing the murals?
Click HERE for directions!


Carlsbad Art Wall x Visit Carlsbad collaboration

Bryan Snyder and Sean Dominguez to paint Carlsbad Art Wall in collaboration with Visit Carlsbad

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, May 19 & 20
WHERE: Señor Grubby’s (map)

Carlsbad based artists Bryan Snyder and Sean Dominguez to paint the Carlsbad Art Wall in collaboration with Visit Carlsbad and Panotone in a Colors of Carlsbad mural.

Cyrus Howlett Paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

Cyrus Howlett Carlsbad Art Wall

On March 24 and 25, Los Angeles based artist Cyrus Howlett painted his signature hand portraits on the Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) located at Señor Grubby’s in the Carlsbad Village.

The CAW rotates artwork with many project goals—one being to introduce a new aesthetic to the Carlsbad Village every two months. Whether a giant portrait of a dark figure, an island of happy characters or an invitation to publicly share your deepest thoughts, each mural invites the public to interact with the wall’s newest experience.

Along the lines of interaction, Howlett’s mural invited the community to listen, though not a single word was spoken. Howlett’s stylized hands thanked the community for supporting the CAW communicated with the single and powerful word of love signed in American Sign Language.

Howlett arrived with a crate of spray cans, two gallons of gray paint and a pocket of charcoal. Perfectly rendered, he sketched the hands on the wall based on his own, the hands that have painted numerous murals and canvases across Los Angeles.

Thousands of runners glanced at the emerging hands as they sprinted toward the finish line of the Carlsbad 5000. Murmurs of a new CAW mural quickly spread through the Carlsbad Village.

After each hand was skillfully sketched, Howlett began spraying his signature colors. Magenta spread across each hand followed by yellow and concluding with cyan—all brought to life with carefully placed shading.

The constant click of multiple cameras documented Howlett’s every move while the hum of an overhead drone could be heard during the two full days of painting.

The CAW through 2018 has made possible by the support of each artist and the financial support of the Carlsbad community. Thanks to 50+ donations, the Carlsbad Art Wall will continue into it’s fourth year.

LOVE signed large, colorfully and in front of a flat gray background can’t be missed. It is highly visible from a distance and stops each passerby no matter how familiar they are with sign language. It’s a state of being; it’s a feeling we seek and it’s a direct message of gratitude to all those who make the CAW project possible.

From the organizers of the Carlsbad Art Wall, each of the participating artists and the Carlsbad community, we thank you for your LOVE—without your continued support, this project would not be possible.

Click HERE for all the photos

Click HERE for all press

Click HERE to submit a design

Click HERE for photos of past CAW murals

Started in March 2015, Carlsbad Village based artist Bryan Snyder will be bringing a street artists/muralist every 2 months to paint a mural on the east facing wall of Señor Grubby’s in the Carlsbad Village.

Click HERE for photos of Snyder’s street art workshop: March 22

The goal of the Carlsbad Art Wall is to serve as a conduit between aspiring artists and professional artists, to provide a platform to engage and educate the Carlsbad community in the creative act of large scale public painting and to introduce a variety of new art and creative processes to the Carlsbad community.

Directions to the Carlsbad Art Wall located at Señor Grubby’s

The 2018 Crafted Eggs

See all the crafted eggs!

The Village Egg Hunt 2018 by Bryan Snyder

On Sunday, April 1, Carlsbad based artist Bryan Snyder hid 135 crafted plastic eggs in the Carlsbad Village for a surprise Easter morning scavenger hunt titled Craft an Egg 2018.

Each egg was crafted by the local community and contained a specific log number. Also included were directions encouraging the finder to visit where they are asked to leave the egg description and number as a comment. When entered, a photo and location appeared on a map.

“It’s the perfect type of project because anyone can craft. No one is left out,” Snyder said. “When it’s time to hunt for the crafts, it brings everyone back into the Village, it promotes local businesses though urban exploration and it encourages friendship building.”

For those who did not hear about the project prior, they were informed by one of the many flyers dispersed throughout the Village.

“It gets people walking around,” Story Vallerio said. “I know I have walked around today thinking I have never eaten there, I will have to hit up that place, and I have been in Carlsbad for four years now—this project is little bit of an eye opener.”

Snyder began hiding the crafted eggs at 3am and finished just before 7am. The hidden eggs were spread out from Oak Avenue to Beach Avenue and from Carlsbad Boulevard to Madison Street.

Dozens of families explored the Village in search for their crafted eggs, enjoying early morning donuts and sharing their found eggs with other participants.

“I grew up here and have been here my whole life and I don’t normally walk the village,” Vanessa Nygaard said. Things have changed. There is a new coffee shop The Goods, I need to hit that new spot.”

Kids found eggs in trees, hidden deep in bushes and tucked behind rocks, often letting out shouts after each find. All eggs have been found and roughly 30 have been logged.

“I had fun collaborating with other kids at this event because there were people we don’t know,” Amanda Solie said. “It was fun to see them out hunting, that was cool.”

Even though Snyder was up most of the early morning hiding eggs, he remained in the Village meeting participants, learning about their event experiences and watching many lucky hunters find their eggs.

“It’s an amazing thing watching people interact with the Village in a whole new way,” Snyder said. “Their phones were in their pockets, their eyes were exploring every inch of their surroundings and they were discovering things they normally overlook—while making friendships along the way.”

Snyder’s craft projects began in 2008 and continued twice a year until 2012. Six years passed without one of his projects, but this Easter, Snyder brought back the local favorite project with a night of crafting on March 22 at The Foundry located at New Village Arts Theatre and concluding with the Village-wide scavenger hunt on Easter morning.

Click HERE to see the egg 2018 crafters!

Click HERE to see all the eggs!

Click HERE to see the map!

LOG YOUR EGG: Craft an Egg Scavenger Hunt

CLICK TO LOG YOUR EGG (in comments)

135 Brightly decorated plastic eggs are now hidden in the Carlsbad Village.

Explore the Village in search of your favorite egg. Find an egg and log it in the comments below to expose a photo and pin the found location on the map. Click the map pins to see each egg photo.

Find a BONUS EGG painted in Snyder’s signature drip style and be entered to win a Doodle illustration.

Click HERE for the map and location of each logged egg!

Click HERE to see all the egg crafters!

Clues and updates TWITTER and INSTAGRAM STORY.

Meet the Craft an Egg 2018 crafters

On Thursday, March 22, the Carlsbad community came together for a night of crafting during local artist Bryan Snyder’s PROJECT: Craft an Egg at the New Village Arts Theatre’s Art Foundry.

100+ event attendees crafted colorful eggs throughout the evening while the Foundry provided live music, refreshments and the creative environment of 16 surrounding artist studios.

“The great thing about crafting is that you don’t need an artistic background to get creative.” project director Snyder said. “It allows everyone to participate leaving out no one.”

Each of the 135 crafted eggs will be hidden in the streets of the Carlsbad Village on Easter morning for a spontaneous egg scavenger hunt.

Egg finders will be encouraged to visit once they find an egg and log their egg number in a comment, ultimately exposing a photo and location on a Village map.

“Starting in 2007, I hosted two annual craft parties and scavenger hunts each year, but it has been seven years since the last,” Snyder said. “It’s nostalgic bringing it back and seeing faces who were at the original projects which started a decade ago.”

Find your egg hidden in the streets starting Sunday, April 1 in the Carlsbad Village!

PROJECT: Craft an Egg was in collaboration with the quarterly art walk titled Carlsbad Village Art Hop.


Click HERE to see the past projects!

Teen Street Art Workshop by Bryan Snyder

On Thursday, March 22, Carlsbad artist Bryan Snyder directed another Teen Street Art Workshop at the Carlsbad Art Wall in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of the Carlsbad Village.

Cyrus Howlett to paint the Carlsbad Art Wall

Cyrus Howlett to paint the Carlsbad Art Wall

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, March 24 & 25
WHERE: Señor Grubby’s (map)

Based in Los Angeles, Cyrus Howlett uses his roots in both fine art and urban art to create an inspiring and unique style of work. He commonly explores the expressive power of hands while using bright and energetic strokes of magenta, yellow, and teal

View Cyrus Howlett’s website!

City Council Appoints Bryan Snyder to Carlsbad Arts Commission

On March 13, The City of Carlsbad City Council appointed Carlsbad based artist Bryan Snyder to the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission.

Learn about all of Snyder’s projects from the past decade at:

PROJECT: Craft an Egg, March 22

WHAT: ‘Craft an Egg’ interactive art project by Snyder Art
WHEN: March 22, 5-8pm
WHERE: The Foundry at NVA (map)

Back after 7 year absence, the local favorite interactive egg crafting project and scavenger hunt has returned

Craft a plastic egg at the New Village Arts Foundry during the March 22 Village Art Hop. Revisit the Village on Easter morning to find your egg hidden in the Village streets—along with 75+ other colorfully crafted eggs!

Crafting materials and plastic eggs provided courtesy of Snyder Art.

See some of the past craft projects HERE, HERE and HERE

Learn about the Easter morning scavenger hunt HERE

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)