Published August 8th, 2008
in art and events.

Each weekend morning started the same. As the day wiped its sleepy eyes and my neighbors brewed coffee, I dragged my stencils into place and begun an onslaught of splatters. The hours blew through my complex like a wandering leaf down an empty village street. The early Spring air numbed my ears as I watched the composition begin to take shape. Each painting was an experimentation, a doodle on the back of a receipt or a search for a muse in the pages of a dusty magazine. Neighbors would approach with curiosity and I would explain my most recent attempt to hone a new skill. The hours of the day were counted by the growth of dripping paint cans and the thickening layers of wet paint on my jeans.
A journey began, grew and now concludes in a gift to for our community. See the result after seven months of creating…
Snyder Art 2008
8.8.08 7pm-11
2695 State Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Bryan Snyder interview Part 2: Current Work coming soon…
Published August 7th, 2008
in art and events.

Have you packed you bags and hit the road in route for Carlsbad and the Snyder Art 2008 experience? Get out on the road and put up that thumb. There is only one day left. The word is Ozzy is close and will be bringing fellow icons Jerry Garcia, Paris Hilton, Bob Marley and local icon Same ‘Ol.
Have you had an Ozzy sighting?
Snyder Art 2008
8.8.08 7pm-11
2695 State Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Published August 6th, 2008
in rambles.

With two more days until my show, I sit relaxed and ready. My paintings are finished, my promotions all placed and all business set. I breath deep and relax for the first time in 7 months as I reflect on my journey.
I sit atop a gift, wrapped and waiting to be given to our community.
Snyder Art 2008
8.8.08 7pm-11
2695 State Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
photo by tim zigler
Published August 4th, 2008
in art, events and projects.

Carlsbadcrawl’s most recent project was inspired by a Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce sponsored event called Art in the Heart of the Village. The chamber’s project attempts to “promote a sense of community.” Local artists are given the opportunity to adopt hydrants or electrical boxes to paint. Each adopted location has a price of $300-750 depending on its location. MORE INFO.
This is a great project for our community…right?
Unfortunately, we at carlsbadcrawl feel the chamber’s project is unfair and even segregating. The high adoption fee is where we find the problem. Only a portion of our community can afford it while the rest can not. This divides our community into the affluent and the poor. We feel this is NOT the best way to promote a sense of community and ultimately taints local art.
How do you feel about this?
Have a lottery where each box/hydrant is awarded through chance at no fee. This would create a fair opportunity for each person. The affluent would have the same chance as the poor and they would be united in one fun project.
The city or chamber should donate a sum to a local charity in the name of the project and local art.
To show our disapproval, we have created our most recent project called Artist at Work, as well as an upcoming LOCAL ART SHOW. Our projects and events have the intention to provoke thought and promote community through art and conversation. The experiences we create and support are free, fair and open to all.
Has your day been effected by our project? Have you seen a cone? If so, where was it? How did the design make you feel?
Published August 1st, 2008
in art.

“My creativity was probed young during that assembly and from that day on I copied every cartoon character I could find.”
Click HERE to read how I was inspired and to see the resulting doodles!
Published July 28th, 2008
in art and events.

click photos to enlarge
As the sun goes down and the street lights shine, hoards of people fill the remaining hours of the day hopping from the numerous village pubs and restaurants. Snakes slither while mice dine and laughter can be heard throughout the streets.
On this rare Saturday night the focus of attention was on the Salon 580, located on Grand Street and in the heart of the village. Courtney Barnett, a local artist and graphic designer, laughed and greeted as visitors browsed over a dozen of her paintings and pastel chalk portraits during her show’s opening reception. Her paintings guided you through the salon’s front display room, along the beautician’s work stations and into the bathroom. A wine tasting bar stayed busy and fingers constantly picked at a wide arrangement of snacks.

A well organized show with talented art, friendly people and the excitement of a developing interests in the local arts.
Congratulations Courtney!
Click HERE for the next local art show!
Published July 25th, 2008
in art and events.

WHAT: Art Show and Reception
WHO: Courtney Barnett
WHEN: July 26th (Sat.) 6-10pm
WHERE: Salon 580 (MAP)
WHY: Local Art
Spend the evening crawlin’ the village and stop by the reception to see some local art!
Published July 24th, 2008
in rambles.

A steady flow of cars push their way along the boulevard as impatient pedestrians tap the crosswalk button and sleek bicyclist balance. Local shops buzz with the latest sales and restaurants clank with occasional lame spoon. The sun shines while clouds hide and the village is in full effect.
When you have something to say, where do you go to say it? How do you touch the greatest amount of minds in the shortest period of time? Do you babble gossip and let the clicks of a small village run their course or do toss signs in the air? Do you write stories or draw pictures? Do you post flyers on tack laden phone poles or do you spam the internet?
How do you react when you space is invaded by other’s thoughts? Do you absorb it as a thought provoking stimulus or are you offended by local bigotry? A fine line is drawn between obtrusive force and freedom of speech. Who decides when someone has crossed the line?
When is your space infringed upon and how do you react?
carlsbadcrawl supports all forms of expression whether in accord with our beliefs or not.
Published July 19th, 2008
in music, photography and rambles.

click photos to enlarge
A mangled taxi screeches to a stop and a red faced driver peaks his head out the window. A surprisingly cheerful man with shaggy hair and thin stubble greets us. Through a cloud of smoke and a raspy voice, he asks where we would like to go. With horns lifted skyward and lit by the fulling moon, a harmonious
growl echoes through the streets of our village…NIHILIST. We pile into the sagging cab and soon are in route for Oceanside’s Royal Dive Bar.
The bar, small and dark, throbs at capacity as we arrive. Flood lights shine on random promotions and eager thrashers and beer drinkers line up in front of a grumpy security guard.
BASTARD, a killer band,rocks Motorhead inside as we wait. The random butt sucker exits to get their fix and slowly we approach the door. The raw energy of a good time with powerful music lures us like a snake to the heartbeat of rat. Walls pulsate with life as thick riffs and deep drum rolls tease. The door opens like a failing dam. Roars and yelps flood into the dark street. The stench of a dank and overcrowded pub, drenched in sweat and beer, fills my nose as a moist wave of heat embraces me. The security guard gives us an approving nod and we enter the chaos.
Continue reading ‘NIHILIST KILLS the Royal Dive Bar’
Published July 15th, 2008
in art, photography and rambles.

A morning drive in route for another day under the pulsating lights of the office was momentarily halted by a shocking find. My eyes, yawning in the early hours of the day, scanned the awakening neighborhood for a rare jewel, something that would provoke an interesting thought and prompt research upon my arrival at work. The lonely streets passed with findings I have seen and people I have met. I approached a corner house which has intrigued me with past attempts to provoke thoughts within the day’s passers. I reduced my speed as my alertness increased. Expecting a stenciled sign like past messages, I am completely shocked at the morning’s greeting. Steadfast and abrupt, I am welcomed by a smooth manikin dressed in a bikini, lei and a Mexican sombrero. Upon further examination, I realize she is topless with one breast exposed and pointing at me.
I stood in front of my shocking find with a sheepish grin. It amazes me when something this daring is put in the streets of our conservative city. What prompted this installation? What is the reason and what thought is trying to be transfered? Cinco de Mayo is long gone and a Hawaiian lei is nothing out of the normal. Bikinis prance each hour of the day and top heavy women are like shells on the beach.

Along with the woman, a flapping pirate flag waves in the wind and a cement gargoyle stands watch. A fish floats nearby and a wood sign addresses the Captain’s Quarters. Palms surround the wood deck and a stiff cabana looms in the background. The individual components are as shocking as a mid summer hobo rant, but as a whole, can stop traffic on a sleepy morning.
Why do you think this installation was erected? What message is trying to be transfered? Does this offend you or is it art?
Published July 11th, 2008
in art.

Once upon a time there was a gallery who sat hard and cold while the front lawn was trampled under the feet of kite flying children and chatting parents. Clouds bounced along the horizon and distant waves sprinkled salt in the breeze. The gallery sighed as it watched the day’s joys take place outside while he remained lonely within. The rare visitor walked through his halls like a slumping student fulfilling an uninspiring class assignment. He sulked during each sunset and awoke with the guilt of a collection of work who deserved an audience he could not provide. He fell low and wept.
While he watched the children play outside one day, the gallery pondered a way to bring the art to the guests rather than waiting for the guest to come to his art. His front patio was lit and well organized, but would not do because he would still have to rely on the motivation of others. He decided that he would not wait, but would bring his collection in an aggressive fashion just less than with intrusive force.
He ripped each painting off his walls and out of their frames with clumsiness driven by the impatient excitement of a new idea. He smiled widely and placed each limp canvas in a pile in the middle of the room. With paste and tape, he attached each piece of art to an old shirt. A box was soon filled and set out on the curb in front of his empty walls. Like sheep shaved and left bare and cold, the gallery shivered as he watched strangers take shirts from his box. Slowly, these strangers became recognizable by the clothing they wore and the art they showcased. Like he once did, they served as a wall where art hung to be seen by all. They became a mobile gallery where they brought art to people rather than waiting for people to go to art. Minds became stimulated on the streets and in stores where they once thought of stresses and worries.
The gallery, naked and lonely, sat with a smile. He knew his art and ideas were acknowledged each day. His life became fulfilled and he vicariously lived though the art that once hung from his walls, but now ran wild in the streets.
A mobile gallery finds LaDainian Tomlinson (LT) and transfers a Carlsbadcrawl idea. Thanks Steve for a job well done.
Hold the Bacon t shirt
Published July 8th, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 12 of 12
After its longest shift of the year, the sun slowly sinks below the colorful horizon as carlsbadcrawlers celebrate with a swim during the first sunset of summer. The setting sun smiles as the evening’s waves tumble upon the sand. It flashes a quick wink as the glistening ocean draws across its body like the velvet curtains at the closing of another annual extravaganza.
A long day of adventure ends with the exchange of stories and laughter on the cool sand of Beech Street. Each story is an adventure and each laugh an approval. We wave goodbye to the setting sun, but do it with a smile knowing that this is just the beginning of another summer in paradise…
For the entire day’s adventures, click the below links:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
How did your first day of summer end?
Published July 7th, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 11 of 12
The day’s blue meets the sleepy sun at the distant horizon. A casual interaction merges the two through a smooth gradient of color. Scattered clouds dance with the wind as they highlight the sinking sun. Limp clumps of seaweed tumble through the waves and wash up around my ankles. The commotion of rolling waves stirs foam, which like a paper towel after one too many mimosas, becomes saturated with oranges from the above sky.
Summer dusk invites long stares over the ocean. Warm breezes invite your toes to shuffle across the sand while another perfect Carlsbad Summer day says goodbye.
How often do you watch the sun set over the ocean? Where do you go?
Published July 6th, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 10 of 12
Locals and tourists dip plump burritos into hot sauce as sandy hair dries under the summer sun. Hungry village crawlers and beach combers chat in between bites and cars honk as locals whistle. Runny ice cream cones drip onto the hot sidewalk like paint off the brush of Jackson Pollock. Incoherent numbers whisper out of the overhead intercom and flies buzz with anticipation. As soon as a belly swells and your last sip of water drains, the journey back down the 101 begins in route for your favorite beach.
The overly crowded patio of Cessey’s is a sure sign of the arrival of summer.
Where do you go for a quick burrito?
Published July 5th, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 9 of 12
Summer rolls blankets of tourists onto our beaches like the tumbling June gloom of our village streets. Sun blocked kids dance in the heat as parents sit attentively in rented chairs under brightly colored umbrellas. Summer swells peak and lifeguards scour. For years now, it has been a tradition to brave the clumps of vacationing inlanders for hours of sun kissed people watching. Like a wild beast on the prowl, we hunt for our prey. We feast upon jean bathing suits and pale skin, fear of sand and Uhaul loads of accessories. We find a spot between the pale and extremely sunburned and begin our watching.
Summer provides a show and the beach is its stage. Clumps of the the odd and unfamiliar dip their shoes in the hot sand and swim in their jeans. The beach has its many activities and summer brings one of favorites…people watching.
How do you occupy your time on the beach?
Published July 4th, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 8 of 12
Blue skies and long weekends invite spontaneous adventures. Your cell phone constantly rings with fuzzy plans that guide not to a destination, but in a direction. Encounters in the streets pass ideas of evening gatherings, but nothing is ever set in stone. The sun whispers the time and the wind is your map. Whether you are hiking through Eucalyptus or casting lines in the lagoon, summer days always decide your schedule.
Summer encourages the unpredictable. A hot day wander down State St. can easily evolve into a backyard skate jam where new friendships are made and swellbows are born.
Do you invite the unpredictable? What’s your adventure?
Published July 3rd, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 7 of 12
Along with giddy tourists and over sized beach bags, locals seek the refreshing breezes and cool tides of our beaches. Toddlers scamper along the shore with sand heavy diapers while parents, stagnant and cold from a long day in the office, unload the day’s worries. The sun, orange and tired, sinks as the surging swell builds. A tote bag with a few towels and magazines accompany a local family for a play on Carlsbad’s playground.
Summer brings local families to the beach after a long day of responsibilities. An hour of family time in the cool sand at sunset ends another summer day in Carlsbad.
How did your family spend time together? Did you have beach days?
Published July 2nd, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 6 of 12
Thick mustaches and low brow hats circulate within our village like slithering snakes through the dark trenches of a lost kingdom. Red curbs radiate as watchful eyes glare. A skateboard is a weapon and a beer is a drug. Eyes hidden behind dark shades scan for underage hoodlums while veteran thieves jump through pried windows. Sirens rattle and intercoms hiss as bar hopping mice squeak through the maze of our village streets.
When summer arrives, our village turns into a snake pit of patrol, eager to bite at the slightest misstep.
We’ve all been bit, what’s your story?
Published July 1st, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 5 of 12
Kids with wet hair and sandy faces throw seaweed and collect shells. The rising tide teases as castles made of sand drip into the sea. The crashing waves roar with aggressiveness but are silent to the ears of the unconcerned. The beach is a playground where you don’t have to wear shoes. Its a park where grass doesn’t stain and a hot slide is a cool tide pool. Kids play while parents watch the surging surf.
The occasional summer swell brings pounding shore break and the worries of watching parents. What is summer without the thumping collision of an angry wave and a careless child?
Have you been the victim of an angry shore break? Where?
Published June 30th, 2008
in rambles.

Hello Summer part 4 of 12
When more time is spent on the balcony of the ARTpartment than inside, we know summer has arrived. A view of the village with dancing palm trees and fluttering clouds provides a perfect atmosphere for a lazy summer day. The near street carries neighbors in route for the beach or local pub, momentarily detoured by a welcoming invitation. Friends gather on the sandy balcony for stories and drinks while memories play on the television. Sounds of Rock N Roll tumble out the windows, each open and some screenless, while close neighbors garden and mingle.
Summer promotes the hot sand and cool waves of the beach and warms the stools of our village, but Carlsbad paradise can also be found on a balcony with friends, music and memories.
When sunburned and waterlogged, where do you relax?
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