Hello Summer: June 21st pt.4/12


Hello Summer part 4 of 12

When more time is spent on the balcony of the ARTpartment than inside, we know summer has arrived. A view of the village with dancing palm trees and fluttering clouds provides a perfect atmosphere for a lazy summer day. The near street carries neighbors in route for the beach or local pub, momentarily detoured by a welcoming invitation. Friends gather on the sandy balcony for stories and drinks while memories play on the television. Sounds of Rock N Roll tumble out the windows, each open and some screenless, while close neighbors garden and mingle.

Summer promotes the hot sand and cool waves of the beach and warms the stools of our village, but Carlsbad paradise can also be found on a balcony with friends, music and memories.

When sunburned and waterlogged, where do you relax?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com