Snyder’s newest public art project ‘Masked Smiles’ in the Carlsbad Village

We have all been in some form of a COVID quarantine for over three months now. Our emotions have been all over the board while business survival, family relations and our overall health have been challenged. Although difficult, we remain optimistic that normalcy is near. Happiness is still omnipresent—it can be found at any moment.

Masked Smiles, Bryan Snyder‘s newest public art project, encourages the community to seek out the simple and often overlooked things that make you smile. To do that, Snyder invites you to search for his hidden sunflowers around the Carlsbad Village.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with emotion during these times,” Snyder said. “We mask our emotions in an attempt to find normalcy; We mask our faces in an attempt to stay healthy. I want to add a smile under our masks, both literally and emotionally. I think we can all use it right now.”

Snyder began germinating sunflower seeds, in his opinion the happiest flower, three months ago. More than 30 potted sunflowers have grown during this time around his Carlsbad Village studio. He knew at some point, each one would have a purpose and would eventually find their way into pubic view.

“I have been implementing public art projects in the Carlsbad Village streets for over a decade,” Snyder said. “Each project has played a role in my mission to help encourage a more artistic culture, strengthen community and stimulate local economic growth, and through these projects, I have made some of my most cherished friendships. The well-being of our community is incredibly important to me.”

Starting five weeks ago, Snyder began placing his sunflowers around the Carlsbad Village beginning with his first surprise gift at Ground Up Cafe on State Street. Additional sunflowers have been placed at Beach City Smoothies, Handel’s Ice Cream, Lola’s Market and Deli, Witt’s Carlsbad Pipelines, Mas Fina Cantina and Super Donuts just to name just a few.

“Look what popped up on our sunny corner,” Beach City Smoothies wrote on Instagram after discovering one of Snyder’s sunflowers. “Thanks Snyder Art for keeping Carlsbad rad with all your awesome street art, installations and community vibes.”

Snyder has worked with many local businesses over the past decade on creative marketing collaborations.

Is there a story behind your sunflowers,” Handel’s Ice Cream said. “I see them are around town. Are you just being you and keeping the community positive? Love this! Thank you.”

Along with his goal of “planting” smiles, Snyder also attempts to produce a visual record of the Carlsbad Village during these historic times. Each videoclip documents the local streets, businesses, community and this specific moment in time.

“The Carlsbad Village has been my muse for many years,” Snyder said. “Not only has it inspired my projects, but it has also been the direct subject of many of my paintings, photography and films. I hope this short film provides a creative glimpse into what we are all currently experiencing—and eventually, what we overcame.

Are you looking for a smile? Keep your eyes open—Snyder has more sunflowers coming to a Carlsbad Village street near you!

6 Responses to “Snyder’s newest public art project ‘Masked Smiles’ in the Carlsbad Village”

  1. 1 well done. marsha ercegovic Aug 5th, 2020 at 9:18 am

    way to go.

  2. 2 J Cannon Aug 5th, 2020 at 11:11 am

    Thank you Bryan for relentlessly bringing light into this world.

  3. 3 Robin Young Aug 6th, 2020 at 11:39 am

    Although I am now so far away from Carlsbad, I still love seeing all the joy Bryan brings to a Village that gave me so many happy memories.

  4. 4 Deedee Aug 6th, 2020 at 1:57 pm

    Do you sell your artwork/flowers?
    I cannot pay a lot, or I could trade with avo’s,
    or roasted macadamia nuts.
    I admire you! Esp. during these tough times!
    Deedee Young

  5. 5 Judy Salinsky Aug 7th, 2020 at 7:15 pm

    Thank you Bryan for the little sunshine in town. I hope people respect your efforts and water your beautiful flowers. STAY SAFE, J

  6. 6 Barbara Flores Aug 9th, 2020 at 7:18 pm

    This made my heart so happy!

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