Published October 4th, 2008
in events.
click photos to enlarge
When you travel, do you vacation or do you adventure? Do you sip fruity drinks while perfecting your poolside etiquette or do you chat with locals in parks and plazas? Fellow crawlers and good friends Candice and Andy have set out on an incredible adventure. How will they adjust to foreign cultures? Fallow their wanderings through Europe and watch their transformation into world travelers.
How long have you two lived in Carlsbad?
Andrew has lived in Carlsbad off and on since 1971. Candice has lived in Carlsbad on and off for 10 years.
What inspired you to go on a backpacking trip through Europe?
Andy: …the adventure of it all.
Candice: I was born in Sicily. I have always wanted to go back and see where I was born.
Continue reading ‘A Crawl Abroad: pre wander interview’
Published September 29th, 2008
in art.

A weed thrives on the ability to grow without restrictions. A manicured garden has limits and boundaries and is “weeded” to eliminate wild growth. An unmanicured garden, much like a forest, grows freely, wrapping around nearby trees and hanging off tall branches. Each individual plant interacts with its neighbors, ultimately creating a single entity of unrestricted growth.
Artistic ideas also thrive when allowed to grow freely. An idea becomes planted during the early stages of brainstorming. The “seed” of an idea slowly develops within the mind of an artist much like a seed germinates under rich soil. When ready, an idea sprouts and is shared for all to see, interact with and analyze.

The second batch of carlsbadcrawl t shirts has been finished. Along with a variety of men’s and women’s sizes, color and styles, we have include baby onesies and some “weed garden” special editions.
Email or visit Snyder Art (MAP) to get your homemade t shirt.
Free for all…Join the community!
Published September 25th, 2008
in art.

Once upon a time there was a trashcan who despised categories, stereotypes and trash. Each day began with a steamy insult and ended with a swift cleansing by a gloved city worker. The early morning supplied promise, but was always thwarted by a hurried passer and his misinformed characterizations. His passion and love for the arts was hidden in his dull and misguiding stature. His mind, which ran wild, kept hidden in the shelves of blandness. He desired the opportunity to inspire, but remained stagnant and dull. The trashcan grimaced as his frame filled with soggy newspaper, soiled diapers and sticky sweets. His inaudible cries tumbled down the street like a sheetless ghost. He was never acknowledged by anything more than a receptacle for trash, though he felt he had so much more to offer.
One day as the sun stretched and the ocean still sat calm, the trashcan was awoken by the crashing jolt of a paint bucket bouncing within his barrel. He opened his sleepy eyes to the screeching of tires. Down the road he saw the bumper of a weathered truck, laden with buckets and ladders, disappear into the gloomy distance. The trashcan immediately grabbed his belly like the ill on the verge of a stomach disease. His eyes swelled and his palms began to sweat as he cursed the truck whom emptied its unwanted garbage. His teeth began to chatter and his cheeks went gray. He grabbed his face and punched his stomach in a poor attempt to misdirect his pain. He yelled at the sky as his eyes went empty and his muscles sagged limp.
The trashcan cried in agony and humiliation as he sat on the curb. His energy was depleted by the onslaught of pain. A bacteria as spiteful as a drunk clown bored deep into his gut. It boiled to a lively bubble like a volcano at its threshold. With uncompromising timing, it erupted and shot up the trashcan’s throat and out his
mouth in an explosion of splattering bright colors. The trashcan moaned, but soon dismissed his misfortune with the acknowledgment of his new attire. His once dull outfit now danced with the hues of a rainbow. Paint dripped down his body in beautiful streaks of interlocking color. He stood to his feet and introduced his new look.
The fallowing days brought a whole new set of visitors. Instead of garbage and other unwanted discharge, he was awakened by the wide eyed and inspired. Strangers posed by his dripping colors and cameras flashed like lightening in the dark sky. He was given names like muse, beauty and masterpiece. His barrel remained empty as trash no longer sought his direction. Instead, he was given praise and applause. He no longer sat alone. He no longer smelled of the unwanted. He flaunted his colors as he was no longer a trashcan, but a barrel of expression, a container of creativity; he was now the local art can.
Can you find the local art can?
Published September 22nd, 2008
in photography.

Eyes wide open and a mind willing to wander can spot observations that puzzle as well as provoke. When you pick up on them, they can do both. This sight was found during a sunset crawl down the blvd.
What in this photo looks odd and what is your explanation?
Published September 19th, 2008
in events.

Uniting Community is a non-profit organization that utilizes community resources to bring families, local businesses and awareness of ones surroundings to each community. The purpose of this organization is to provide the arts to our children of all ages, giving them the necessary tools to flourish in their own creative outlets while sharing their ideas and progress with other children.
WHAT: Southern California trial class
WHERE: Buccaneer Beach, Oceanside (MAP)
WHEN: September 20th 10AM
WHY: Introducing creative tools to kids
“This program is designed for pre-school age children, although all children are welcome. We start out with creative movement inspired by yoga, then have a discussion about the weather and sing a days of the week song. A couple of stories with hand crafted felt board comes next. Last but not least we do sing-a-longs with guitar! All activites relate to the location. This is great opportunity for parents and child to interact.”
RSVP with Amanda at 760.521.2298
Do you remember painting, singing and reading with your parents. These early exposures may have molded you into the person you are today. Introduce you children to the world of creative expression at a young age and watch them grow!
Published September 17th, 2008
in art and photography.

The whaling horn of a passing train warns as the tide awakes under the thick haze of the sagging sky. The moon hides a grin and shoots winks across the moist sky. A wish tumbles under my feet, through dry shrubs and over sandy rocks ending in an echoing splash. Ripples play tag along the shore and buoys dance. Roadside palms sit ablaze in a smokeless inferno and cars putter to the tune of crashing waves. Carlsbad is an artist who paints favorite sights and local icons with brushstrokes as beautiful as the halls of your favorite museums.
If Carlsbad could create you a painting, what would it be? Where would it take place and what would be the subject? Whether a sunset, a random juxtaposition or a gazing view, Carlsbad creates everyday. As a collector of local beauty, snap a photo and hang it on your wall. You can’t take home a Carlsbad original, but you can hang a copy.
Do you have a favorite Carlsbad original? What are your favorite icons? The smoke stalk of the power plant? the glistening moon in the night lagoon? the glowing trails of cars under blazing palms? Keep your eyes open because Carlsbad never stops paintings as long as you keep observing.
Carlsbad is an artist, What have you seen it paint?
Published September 12th, 2008
in events.

carlsbadcrawl will be on a short hiatus, returning in a handful of days.
Santa Cruz will be our playground…photos to come…
Published September 11th, 2008
in Artistic Observations and events.

His only responsibility is a warm blanket and his schedule is his next song; his life is simple and detached from all stresses. This lifestyle became my theme for the remaining days of our trip.
Click HERE for the story and photos!
Published September 7th, 2008
in events.

Chargers Central 2007
Cans clank and snacks crackle as a houseful of friends come together. Cheers roar through the blue and yellow decorated walls and angry stomps crash to the scuffed linoleum. Televisions throb from all angles and overhead speakers put you on the field. As the weekend dwindles and the fallowing work week approaches, friends gather at Charger Central for another Sunday of football, laughter and San Diego Chargers spirit.
What brings your friends together? Is there a time and location where you can count on seeing all your buddies in high spirits and laughter? Whether its a person, an event or a team, the glue that keeps your group of friends together can come in all forms.
What or who is your glue and how does it bring your friends together?
HOLD THE BACON tshirts now available! EMAIL!
Published September 5th, 2008
in events.

“The main purpose for this show is to really come together as a community to help our fellow jazz quartet buddies raise some money and get back to NYU where they belong, do to some venue drop outs on a recent mini tour, they have now been left short of enough funds to make it back home… (shitty). so lets let them “wow” us with some cool beats, as well as some musical improv from fellow jazz lovin’ peers, and partake in a rare listen with a timeless genre, your kind donations will be accepted at the door, a dollar, ten dollars, whatever your giving heart desires… no one like to be stranded.”
WHEN: Sat. Sept. 6th @ 7pm
WHERE: SpeakEasy Studios (MAP)
WHY: Local Art and shenanigans
WHAT: Local art, musical improv, coffee and cake
WHO: You and your troops
Come out and support local art!
Published September 1st, 2008
in art.

The sun peaks through the fading clouds and begins to intensify as I prepare my project. Sweat builds under my hat and I squint skyward. The sun hisses and I wince. My ankles ache and I grind my teeth. Sunblock begins to melt off my face like a the organic drips of a dwindling candle. I watch sweat run down my nose, cling, then splatter onto the burning concrete. The steep embankment, saturated with years of doodles, ignores the thread of my shoes. I lose grip and release my squat into one of my many downward sprints ending with a long and grimacing slide.
Glass, rock and debris sprays from under my shoes as a small cloud of smoke lifts into the breeze. I curse the sun and glare at the bank. I put my head down and climb back into position.
Only a small percent of people find their true passion. What is yours? You may be like those whom are in search, but hindered by uncertainty and fear. Who are you and what makes you that person? Start with your interests, hobbies and goals. Find similarities amongst them. Narrow them down and ask yourself, would I dedicate myself to this passion without praise, wealth and stability? Would I strain my body and torment my mind to remain loyal to my passion? When you define yourself through your goals, actions and passions…you have found your true labor of love!

More often than not, the pursuit of a passion is exhausting, wearisome and difficult, but always rewarding when your work is your labor of love.
Against unfavorable odds, what do you thrive to accomplish?
Published August 29th, 2008
in photography and rambles.

We are confronted each day by an onslaught of images. Shapes and colors create subtle relationships while our eyes scan each approaching wave. People, moving or stagnant, have varying personalities and emotions, but can also be analyzed purely on the visual. An African American standing by a white; puffy curly hair bouncing by long swaying straight hair; short old and wrinkled aside a young and tall man and thick bones by thin. These relationships, and many others, drift into your view everyday. Do you recognize them? Give it a try and reflect on each day’s observations!
Random juxtaposition refers to the stimulation of creativity in design or other creative pursuits by arranging objects with the purpose to compare or contrast.
What random juxtapositions have you found?
Published August 27th, 2008
in rambles.

Summer simmers and the sun hangs low as locals brave the streets after the annual early summer onslaught of tourists. Streets find relief and the rolling waves are no longer overwhelmed as long trails of motor homes and minivans putter back inland like a scrap laden trail of ants. What is better than late August and September in Carlsbad? The gloomy skies of May and June are a distant memory and the congested streets breath again as visiting tourists return home. Like a grizzly bear after a long snooze, many locals awake, rub their eyes and adventure out of their hiding.
What is your favorite month of summer in Carlsbad? Why?
Published August 25th, 2008
in art and rambles.

Ideas hang in our minds like the ripening fruit of a prosperous tree. With time and care, they become plump, colored with age and ready to fall to the ground. If your mind was a tree and your ideas fruit, what would you grow? When ripe and heavy, let your ideas fall to the ground. Watch them tumble across the grass and wait for the hungry passer to interact with one. A fruit consumed is an idea transferred and a seed spit to the ground is the beginning of a new movement.
Do you bare fruit? Where do you drop them and who picks them up?
Published August 21st, 2008
in photography.

He will always be remembered…
Published August 19th, 2008
in art and projects.

Carlsbadcrawl would like to thank all whom participated in out most recent project: Artist at work. The response to our cones has been incredible. Everyone from Roger the Local Juggler to the North County Times has shown interest. Its been a great experience and we feel in a sense, large or small, we brought together our community. Thanks again for your support and open mindedness to the creative ways in which we express our ideas.
Artist Hard at Work Making a Statement-North County Times: 8.6.08
Juggler Supports Local Artists-North County Times: 8.12.08

Where am I?
Did you see a cone? Click on the above photos and test your local knowledge. Use the clues if you need…How observant are you?
BONUS: One cone was left alone. Do you know which one?
Let us know if you want an original cone…
Leave your locations as a comment!
Published August 16th, 2008
in events.

WHO: Local Artists
WHERE: Oceanside (MAP)
WHEN: Saturday August 16th (tonight)
WHY: Local art is on the rise
Two shows in one night. North County loves its art…
Published August 15th, 2008
in art and events.

A good conversation is more informative than a college degree. A friendship more desired than a profitable deal. A smile warms the heart and a laugh is contagious. Photos flash and glasses raise as new memories tuck deep into the archives of our lives. On August 8th 2008, Snyder Art opened its arms to the village as an invitation to spend the evening developing local culture, uniting community and promoting artistic expression.
Twenty bright paintings winced as the sun poured into the studio after a long month of hiding. Colors radiated off the walls like the first flaps of a butterflies new wings. An exposed world hung in anticipation, waiting for the first guest. Food was set and refreshments were iced as I sat alone and waited.
Within moments and 30 minutes before the scheduled start time, the community began emerging. Cars began to creep and observant eyes noticed the awakening of culture. Friends emerged form the streets and strangers introduced themselves. I extended my appreciation with a hearty handshake as a
permanent smile gleamed from my face. Plates filled with hot burritos from the kitchen of Lola’s as Felisa’s soothing vocals bounced off the walls and out onto State street. The experience had begun; I stood proud and welcoming.
I wanted to give our community the gift of an experience. My intent was to invite all, to embrace the people we interact with on a daily basis in a friendly “communal hug.” We live in paradise, misted by the waves and warmed by the sun, but the people, your neighbor, family and friends also play an important role in each one of our days. We are one; a community that depends upon one and another. I cherish each day I spend biking through our shady streets, dragging my toes on our smooth beaches and splashing in our ocean. You all inspire me. I thank you for your support, your friendship and your role in my life!

Thank you all for your help!
Click HERE for all the photos!
Did you have fun? What did you like and how can I make the next one better? What was you favorite painting? Lets hear your thoughts on Snyder Art 2008!
Published August 12th, 2008
in art.

Worked in paint, but with a brush that never touches the canvas. Though abstract and spontaneous, they are built up into very recognizable and detailed icons. A body of work that lacks a theme in terms of subject, but finds harmony in technique. They are gestural but restricted… spontaneous but premeditated…this is my current work…
Click HERE for photos and the interview!
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