Archive Page 45

BONUS EGG Winner: Danielle Jauregui


Plant an Egg 2009 consisted of 75 brightly decorated eggs, all which were created during a preliminary craft night at the ARTpartment. Out of the 75 eggs, 5 were specially painted by Snyder Art and designated as “Bonus Eggs.” These eggs offered the chance to win an orginal Snyder Art painting and contained special instructions informing the finder that an email would be sent containing an undisclosed website address. To win a painting, the hopeful finder was challenged to identify the village sound.

Congratulations Danielle Jauregui of Carlsbad for finding a BONUS EGG and identifying the village sound. She chose to take home “Jerry with color midtones” where it hangs over her bed. She was quick to add that a glass Snyder Art drip painted Christmas ornament also hangs from her bedroom ceiling. We couldn’t have asked for a a better winner!

We have tested your eyes, what about your ears…


Prove your knowledge… What is the sound and where can you hear it?

new snyder art mural… location HERE!!!

PROJECT: Plant an Egg Photos 2009


With only a few eggs still in the streets, we decided it was time to show the faces of each crafty creation. Stay tuned for the winner of the SNYDER ART original painting…

Click HERE for all the egg photos!

PROJECT: Plant an Egg 2009


75 Brightly decorated plastic eggs are now hidden in the streets of our village. Each egg contains a log # and puzzle piece. Crawl the streets in search of your favorite egg. Help expose the entire puzzle by logging your egg’s number in the below comments… and win a SNYDER ART painting.

Click HERE to learn more about the project!

Click HERE for the puzzle!

Click HERE for a map of each found egg!

 Click HERE for photos of all the eggs!

Clues and updates HERE on TWITTER

BONUS EGGS: Win a SNYDER ART original painting. LEARN HOW HERE!

Plant an Egg 2009 Artists


Meet your PROJECT:Plant an Egg artists. Each one brought a unique sense of design , crafting skill and humor. Old crawlers and new encouraged while kids played and stories rambled. With walls snug with warm bodies and chatter tumbling into the streets, Plant an Egg 2009 crafted its way into another explosion of family, friends and memories.

From us to our community… enjoy!

Pick your weapon at the ARTpartment


We hear (sorry KT) there are a bunch of boring eggs in need of a creative beat down. Pick your weapon and show these bare eggs what you are made of during a night of drinks, egg decorating and other shenanigans at the ARTpartment.

This is a preliminary craft night for a PROJECT: Plant an Egg 2009.
Stay tuned for more details! crafts2.jpg

WHERE: the ARTpartment
WHEN: Friday April 10th at sundown
WHO: village crawlers, art lovers…
WHY: help create our next project

crafts, eggs and snacks will be provided!

BONUS: Andy Goldsworthy Rivers and Tides documentary will be played during the evening

Click HERE for more PROJECT updates, photos and clues!

Seek and Enjoy


vinaka-snyder-art.jpgTake home a Snyder Art painting! Carlsbadcrawl is currently working on another community project. As a bonus, one observant participant will be given the option to take home one of the above paintings. You can view them now at Vinaka coffee shop in Carlsbad.

Your eyes and ears will have to work. Your village knowledge will be tested and your participation is necessary.

Coming Soon- PROJECT: Plant an Egg 2009

Carlsbad 5000: our eyes to yours


carlsbad-5000-pizza-port-copy.jpgThe village awoke early as feeble fences stretched under shady trees, over mellow hills and along our wind blown ocean. Crowds rubbed sleep from their eyes and wandered towards the distant vibrations of a rambling microphone. The sun watched as coffee brewed and the day’s cloud was no more than a tumbling puff of dust under a sweaty sneaker. The streets of our village became a slithering snake of red faced record chasers as the annual Carlsbad 5000 provided ideal conditions for people watching, photo snapping and good nature idea planting.

carlsbad-5000-bikes.jpgCrowds clapped and cheered with the emotional intensity of a barbaric duel to the death. Roadside coaches roared with encouragement like a rabid k9 and event security twirled their thumbs with fluttering interests. Crowds slowly grew across the hot pavement like eggs frying on a pan greased with sunblock and flavored with energy bars. Firemen reminisced of their last mud run and Beach City Smoothie accepted a jamba competition. Police guarded empty streets as their eyes bounced under dark sunglasses and a surf shop shared Bob for the 11th year in a row.


Streets, once animated with weekend shoppers and antique mall hoppers, sat silent and uneventful. Long shadows stretched with the span of a soaring seagull and parking spaces napped into the afternoon. The infrequent State Street visitor stayed loose with hopping high kicks in route for the overheated crowds of Carlsbad Village Drive’s finish line.


all-smiles.jpgWith many visitors from surrounding cities, states and beyond, our village provided not only for the record breaking run, but for many humorous and interesting observations. Cameras, which usually provoke sheepish squirms, were given a one day pass to snap away. Scenery used in travel brochures provided ideal backdrops and visitors eagerly sought out local classifieds. Observations piled as fast as memory cards filled and updates quickly twitted away. The sun beat down as sweat dripped of the red noses of each runner and spectator. With the last runner logged and a flurry of observations made, the 24th annual Carlsbad 5000 grabbed a pint and called it a day.

Other than the runners, what did YOU see?

NOW ON twitter


Carlsbadcrawl will now be twitting away observations, project updates and other rambles on Do you have a favorite post on the crawl? Do you have questions about certain rambles? Do you feel like it might be time for another project? Who is the next local artist interview?

Check our twitter page for bonus updates, past post incites and brainstorming recaps!

PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT is currently developing an upcoming project. will be used to drop hints and other relevant information. Stay tuned and keep those eyes open… in the streets and on!

Go to to begin following!

Did you see…

click photo to enlarge

…the swell at Beech Street this morning? Check out the kite surfer!

What observations did you make today?

Sun Setting Observations


The sun rubs its sleepy eyes and begins its descent as a palette of oranges, pinks and yellows replace the once bright blue sky. Clouds tumble in chilly gusts, tethered only by the illusion that all clouds are alike. Smooth gradients fill the sky like a soothing color pencil illustration. The sun grins with a wink in its eye before submerging below the glowing horizon.

A Carlsbad sunset is more than just the sun’s exit. It’s more than an explosion of color and more than a chance at a green flash. It’s a child’s scamper in the cool ripples of a low tide. It’s a meander with your shoes in hand and the surprise of a favorite shell. It’s a jog along the seawall and a stretch in the grass. It’s a yank at an empty hook and a sigh during a long lull. It’s the embrace of a loved one and the realization of how lucky you truly are…

When the sun dips, what do you see? How do you Feel?

Doodle of the Week 3/28


Miss Curtsy by Briana Mooney

Send your doodles to!

Overflowin’ with Freud


A middle aged man lays on a soft couch and leans his head on the overly cushioned armrest. His feet extend outward as he breathes deeply, followed by a sheepish exhale. His eyes are deep and his skin runs ruts like a muddy trail. His hair is gray beyond his years and his hands shake upon his chest. He mumbles incoherently, yet composes himself in a decent manner. A fly buzzes near his nose, but incites no reaction. The man breathes again. His brow dips and an earnest manner masks his face. He nods to a bearded man sitting in a nearby chair and closes his eyes.

Free Association, first developed by Freud, invites patients to open their minds in an overflowing explosion of ideas and thoughts. In a non judgmental atmosphere, the patient’s mind is enticed to string together thoughts once forgotten or inhibited. The beginning is a single question which leads down an undetermined path. Questions keep the flow going and inner dwellings of creativity can be probed. This method attempts to break the barrier between the willingness to learn about oneself and the fear of change and self exposure.

carlsbad-fountain-bubbles.jpgThis journey of mental discovery can also be used to tap creativity. Ideas for future projects can be extracted like a shiny stone. Unearth your ideas through a mental discovery. Probe your mind’s pockets and watch your projects overflow with creativity!

How do you develop new ideas? What are your brainstorming techniques?

the Village is your Canvas

window.jpgDo you have a sketchbook full of ideas? Do you constantly look for large canvases? Do you want your work seen by all whom wander our Carlsbad village?

This is your opportunity!

Vacant storefront windows in the village are currently being considered as canvases for creative and willing artists. Along with your design, you will be encouraged to include any contact info to promote yourself.

Send sketches to by Tuesday March 31st for consideration!

Help turn our village into a Phantom Gallery… (sound familiar?)

Click HERE for the Union Tribune Article (4.9.09)

this is NOT a project

Snyder Art @ Club 6: SF


sf-club-6.jpg6th street, located just off Market, crawls with meandering hobos and sleazy drug dealers. Energy buzzes like a misguided bee hive. Skirmishes outbreak like an inner city epidemic and the corner thrives with business. An old building, slightly dilapidated and surrounded by stagnant puddles, stands firm along a moist alley. A series of colorfulsf-friends.jpg rectangle boxes point skyward as a clump of dark clouds tumble. Graffiti swirls along the side entrance and down the alley as the unmarked building begins to bounce. Without an address or sign, we are only lured by thumping beats and a large poster which reads, ArtNowSF presents Veni Vidi Vici: Art Show, Music, Fashion.

sf-artists.jpgAfter checking the list, a thick security guard with yellow eyes draws back a curtain and grants us entrance to a brightly lit room. High heels scamper across the wood floor as mini skirts and slacks play tag. A long bar animates with thirsty taps and asf-wall.jpg lonely woman makes a friend. Art stares off the surrounding walls as chats devolve to belches and hiccups. Photo realism winks and photo collages on glass sits snug within old window frames. Expressive brushstrokes radiate color and gangsta grills shine under resin. Cute characters giggle on wood and large gestural figures loom high above the bar. Typography embraces graffiti and drip art towers.


sf-hella.jpgA long runway awakes to the stomp of spoken word, a series of local underground rappers and product pushing models. Energy engulfs the room as all attention focuses on the long raised strip that runs the middle of the room. The art, bright and scattered to the high ceilings, becomes a backdrop for the rapid fire photos of each model. Flashes explode as Hellagant fashion pushes curves and draws eyes. With each design and performer, a real sense of urban life in the city becomes apparent.

sf-rap.jpgWith the conclusion of the fashion show and a wall trembling applause, the focus again shifts. The lights dim to a hazy dull as ghostly images sway in the distance. Beats bounce off the dark walls as record yielding madmen mix beats and scratch vinyl. The art on exhibit is now on the sf-urkle-vision.jpgdance floor. Coordination pounds the wood floor and style bounces on the chest of each move. Circles form like a school dance scene in a cheesy movie. Sexual tension grows wild. Wordless small talked ignites an onslaught of grinds and gallops. Hours flip in the breezeless warm air and the sun’s alarm buzzes.

Culture at its best converged in all aspects at Club 6. A true multimedia performance, fueled by creative expression, emerged through traditional art, fashion, music, poetry, dance and a smorgasbord of eye tantalizing style. Culture reigned strong with this powerful exhibition of connected minds, all  joined by the universal desire to share an idea.

Click HERE to see more San Francisco observations!

Click HERE to see SF fashion observations on

coming soon… full coverage of all the Club 6 fashion on

Artisitc Observations-SF 2009


While most choose a vacation as a time to relax, our goal is to explore. We adventure into the thick of a location, probing the underbelly of our destination. Meanders carried us through explorations of moist alleys, the never dull Tenderloin and many other less traveled San Francisco paths.

Click HERE for the full story and photos!

Visit for San Francisco fashion observations!

PART 2: Club 6 Art show in SF coming soon…

Shark Sighting…SF


With another deadline rapidly approaching, Snyder Art drips to the beat of a Northbound wander.

Carlsbadcrawl and Snyder Art will be on a short hiatus…

Next stop, the streets of San Francisco!

Surf Ride Art Show:Oceanside


WHAT: Art, Music and friends
WHERE: Surf Ride in Oceanside (MAP)
WHEN: Fri. March 13th 6pm-9
WHY: Local art and music

snyder art in SF (3.14.09) … click HERE!

Pods Away


Hobos growl and tourists toss wishes into the overly chlorinated fountain as the Floss Silk Trees (Ceiba Speciosa) loom. Their intimidating thorns poke like a stubborn nail and their thick trunks shine with a swampy green. High above the ground and tangled in the web of prickled branches hangs fairly large fruit pods similar to what a dinosaur egg might have looked like. Inside the pod’s hard shell is a mass of fibrous, fluffy matter reminiscent of cotton or silk. When the wind howls and the ground shakes, these pods fall to the ground resulting in an explosion of fluff, ultimately exposing a tangled seed. The wind howls again and blows the fluff and seed like a runaway tumble weed. This is how the Floss Silk Tree spreads its ideas


Ideas grow like the pods hanging from the Floss Silk Tree. They develop through the seasons, growing stronger with each day. When ripe, they are dropped from your mind, exploding in a fluffy outburst of expression.

How do you spread your ideas?



WHAT: Snyder Art and Juxtapoz Magazine issue release party at Club 6
WHEN: Saturday, March 14th at sundown
WHERE: Club 6 in downtown San Francisco (MAP)
WHY: because you love wandering

BONUS: William Kentridge at the SFMOMA

Contact if interested in making the trip!

click HERE to see a snyder art film influenced by william kentridge!

Doodle of the Week 3/7


The Goff by Austin Trujillo

Send your doodles to!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)