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Archive for the 'projects' Category

Valley Middle School Student Art Space

The new VMS Student Art Space is now open for public viewing located in the drive-thru of the local-favorite Super Donuts. To begin this new exhibit space, Mr. Snyder has selected a collection of oil pastels created 6th grade wheel class. Art will rotate often providing opportunities for many young artists from 6th grade, 7/8th […]

Snyder’s newest public art project ‘Masked Smiles’ in the Carlsbad Village

We have all been in some form of a COVID quarantine for over three months now. Our emotions have been all over the board while business survival, family relations and our overall health have been challenged. Although difficult, we remain optimistic that normalcy is near. Happiness is still omnipresent—it can be found at any moment. […]

LOG YOUR EGG: Craft an Egg Scavenger Hunt

CLICK TO LOG YOUR EGG (in comments) 135 Brightly decorated plastic eggs are now hidden in the Carlsbad Village. Explore the Village in search of your favorite egg. Find an egg and log it in the comments below to expose a photo and pin the found location on the map. Click the map pins to […]

Citizens of Carlsbad submit 9,000+ signatures

On September 25, Diane Nygaard and concerned Carlsbad Citizens for North County in opposition of the proposed mall development on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon presented their collection of signatures to the City of Carlsbad. More than 9,000 signatures were collected in less than 1 month overturning the Carlsbad City Council ‘s decision—if confirmed by registrar— […]

2015 Sponsors: Carlsbad Village Local Calendar

Meet the 2015 Carlsbad Village Local’s Calendar. Design, photography and fundraising by Bryan Snyder of Snyder Art and Design.

Snyder Doodles at Caesar Chavez Eleventary: LA

The students of this school will have something extra to be thankful for this year when they return from Thanksgiving break. On Saturday, November 22, Southern California street artist Bryan Snyder painted his signature character Doodle at Caesar Chavez Elementary School in Los Angeles. This brightly colored character reaches 15 feet above the school basketball […]

Snyder’s Art Hunt and Show at Vinaka Cafe

Bryan Snyder, Carlsbad based artist, has been hiding his life-long drawn character Doodle in the Carlsbad Village streets for over 2 years. He has evolved the idea of placing this character in the streets into large scale art shows and art hunts including past community based projects out of Salon 580 in Carlsbad, E Street […]

Solo Doodle Art show and Art Hunt by Snyder

WHAT: Solo Doodle Art Show and Art hunt by Snyder WHEN: Sat. Aug. 4th all day WHERE: Vinaka Cafe in the Carlsbad Village (map) BONUS: Hello Trouble will be playing at Coyote Bar downstairs: 3pm-5:30 Clues leading to hidden art available at 9am!

Banksy Tribute on Cardiff Kook by Snyder

An art movement is created by the growth of a group of like-minded artists with similar goals and philosophies over months, years and even decades. Their visual art and conceptualizations are broadcasted via a large variety of mediums including visual art, manifestos, word-of-mouth, performance and the ever powerful internet, ultimately establishing justifications for their artistic […]

Doodle’s Umbrella by Snyder

Snyder has implemented his 4th drip and paste installation titled ‘Doodle’s Umbrella’ and will be giving away an original painting of the design to one lucky person. To enter the contest, follow the below listed steps. One winner will be randomly chosen and announced at a future undetermined date. 1. Visit Snyder’s most recent drip […]

Snyder plants a Photo Contest on Melrose

5 mushroom clusters, each colored differently in Snyder’s signature drip technique, have been  placed in the streets of West Hollywood on, or just off, Melrose and La Brea. Each cluster is a piece of art, but more importantly, they are muses inspiring the creative process. Each cluster posed like a model for professional and amateur […]

Bonus Ornament ‘Village Sound’ Winners

Congratulations to the Murray family for finding a PROJECT: Plant an Ornament 2011 Bonus Ornament, logging it on carlsbadcrawl.com and being the first to identify the secret ‘Village Sound’. The prize is an original painting by Snyder in his signature drip technique. Can you identify the sound? Click HERE to hear the sound! Click HERE […]

2011 hidden ornament photos

100 ornaments were hidden in the Carlsbad Village streets for a Christmas morning scavenger hunt. Locals and tourists found and logged their favorites. Did you find any hidden ornaments? Click HERE for all the participant comments! Click HERE for the project puzzle! Click HERE for the ‘Golden Carl’ awards!

The 2011 Golden Carl Ornament winner is…

  PROJECT: Plant an Ornament 2011?s craft night was attended by more than 60 friends, strangers and family this year located at the New Village Arts Theatre. Each a year a favorite craft is chosen and awarded the coveted ‘Golden Carl’. Congratulations David Cintron for receiving 2011’s PROJECT: Plant an Ornament Best of Show Golden […]

PROJECT: Plant an Ornament 2011

54 Brightly decorated ornaments are now hidden in the streets of our village. Each ornament contains a log #. Crawl the streets in search of your favorite ornament. Help expose the entire puzzle by logging your ornament’s number in the below comments… find a bonus ornament, identify the village sound and win a Snyder Art […]

Snyder Art Community Collage: THOM PAIN

New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad and Bryan Snyder of Snyder art presents a community based collage and project based on THOM PAIN based on thing by Will Eno

THOM PAIN community project @ NVA

WHAT: THOM PAIN based community collage WHERE: New Village Arts Theatre (map) WHEN: 9/10/11-10/2/11 (the run of the play) There are currently 50 bees buzzing in the Carlsbad Village. Snyder Art and the New Village Arts Theatre invites you to find one of the 50 bees, detach it from its village location, bring it to […]

A Letter from the City of Encinitas

The Magic Carpet Ride or more commonly referred to as the ‘Cardiff Kook’, has been the target of numerous reworkings. It has been dressed up as cupid, eaten by a shark, outed the Encinitas City Council as a propaganda yielding ‘Surfing Madonna’ and, as referenced in the above letter the Encinitas Deputy City Manager, dressed […]

Hide and Go Seek Doodle: Encinitas

Snyder Art, Carlsbadcrawl.com and E Street Cafe in Encinitas are teaming up for Snyder’s 2nd ‘Hide and Go Seek Doodle’ urban art hunt. A giant 8ft. Doodle has been painted which also serves as a canvas for 100+ hanging Doodle reproductions on wood with clues. Pick up your clues and begin your urban exploration in […]

Snyder Project: Oceanside Museum of Art

Fans of all ages came together in a wall to wall celebration of the Beatles during the June 17th, “Art After Dark” event at the Oceanside Museum of Art. Guests enjoyed a wide range of entertainment including the live music of Help, the premiere Beatles tribute band of North County, crafting zones, beer courtesy of […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com