With the increasing amount of village events, it only seems appropriate to have a designated location where announcements can be made. Like browsing your early morning blogs and flipping through the forgotten pages of the local paper, village crawlers should have a place to pass each morning for updates on their community.
It’s at UpState, but a more centralized bulletin board is currently in the works. For the time being, one has been erected at Snyder Art and Design on State Street. Flyers flutter in the cool ocean breeze and a pad of paper and pen await the next neighborhood note. Local artist’s business cards clutter and a smorgasbord of village announcements reach for your attention.
Do you have an event, idea, doodle, poem or concern you would like to share? Post it HERE on the village bulletin board!
Great Idea. Something our little village was missing. I will be sure to post the wonderful things I take part in and want to share 😉
What a great idea, Bryan!
Thanks for doing this and putting the Carlsbad Village Association’s event flyers up for us…
I will do my best to keep it updated.
nice idea on the bulletin board!