Uniting Community Class: Oceanside


Uniting Community is a non-profit organization that utilizes community resources to bring families, local businesses and awareness of ones surroundings to each community. The purpose of this organization is to provide the arts to our children of all ages, giving them the necessary tools to flourish in their own creative outlets while sharing their ideas and progress with other children.early_art.jpg

WHAT: Southern California trial class
WHERE: Buccaneer Beach, Oceanside (MAP)
WHEN: September 20th 10AM
WHY: Introducing creative tools to kids

“This program is designed for pre-school age children, although all children are welcome.  We start out with creative movement inspired by yoga, then have a discussion about the weather and sing a days of the week song.  A couple of stories with hand crafted felt board comes next.  Last but not least we do sing-a-longs with guitar!  All activites relate to the location.  This is great opportunity for parents and child to interact.”

RSVP with Amanda at 760.521.2298

Do you remember painting, singing and reading with your parents. These early exposures may have molded you into the person you are today. Introduce you children to the world of creative expression at a young age and watch them grow!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com