A Carlsbad Wanderland


A wander takes you to new places where every person is a stranger and every site is unfamiliar. You background becomes as blank as a new canvas and a fresh memory comes as easy as a summer sunburn. An old newspaper tells new stories and a smiling face promises a new friendship.

travelling-sign.jpgHex, fresh off a “windowless and doorless” freight train from Michigan, explains his love for travel. He describes the excitement of a cross country train ride as he holds up his handmade sign. “Travelling, broke & ugly”, accompanied by some doodles, bounces on a piece of cardboard in his lap. I point out the wandering spirit in a freight train ride and he slowly tilts his chin up. A lady sitting in a parked car interrupts and informs me that he is not only a wander, broke and ugly, but funny as well. I imagined her giggling as Hex paraded his sign to each passer. A mom and child stroll by and Hex points at the little girl and gives her a silly thumbs up. The little girl giggles and the mom, reluctant to reach into her purse, awkwardly smiles.

Hex and I shared stories of train rides through foreign lands. Still young, he carried himself with the mature charm that surprisingly becomes victorious in the most unfavorable conditions. I can’t help but hope his story is true. He informed me why he chose our village and I nodded with approval. I shared stories of his new home and expressed wholeheartedly the beauty of Carlsbad.

His story might just be a clever way to lure change from those eager to hear his story, but nevertheless, I reached into my pocket and donated a few bills to him and his journey, but more importantly, to the the spirit of the wander!

What is your most memorable wander? Where did you end up?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com