To observe, analyze and ponder, one must first learn to slow down. The act of changing location at a slower pace allows sites, which normally missed, to be observed. Ideas fluid our neighborhoods with creative expressions; all unique to the artist’s mind, but often overlooked.
A dramatic development takes place during an infants first 2 years of life. The dependent newborn turns into a sophisticated two-year-old who crawls, talks, solves problems, and manages relationships with adults and other children. A child’s mind is like a sponge during these early years of development. The mind’s one task is to learn, which it does at an amazing speed. Imagine how much more you could learn if you, like a crawling child, slowed down, eliminated stresses and opened your eyes/minds to your surroundings.
The elderly, long-lived, wise and experienced, Carlsbadcrawl through the streets of the village without responsibilities, schedules or concerns. Time is occupied by water-painting and sunny day meanders. The absence of worries allows their eyes to wander and their minds to drift. A bright flower raises wrinkles and a war is just another headline. A chirping bird transfers information clearer than the evening news. A crawl brings new sites and understandings to those once rushed.
Carlsbadcrawl-The act of wandering through the village of Carlsbad at a pace similar to that of a crawl resulting in a visual and mental analysis of your surroundings.
Give it a try, let us know what you find/think!
Please contact with any info on this mural (artist name, date of completion, meaning)!
You know I would CarlsbadCrawl with you guys if I could…