The acknowledgment of time is unavoidable. Some refuse to wear watches and others attempt to only use the sun, but the ticks of a clock are always in the back of your mind.
When does time seem to slow down or when do the months on your favorite wall calendar flip as often as leaves tumble down a wind blown street? It all depends on what lies in your future and how eager you are to get there. A colorful cross scribbled in a child’s favorite crayon represents one more Winter day closer to Christmas though it seems time has paused and a stressed college student bites nails when an encroaching exam seems to skip weeks. At times you hope to slow down time while during other situations you just want to skip months in a single leap!
How do you handle time’s roller coaster?
Plan like you’ve got all the time in the world… Live like you’ve got none left.
I get out my fly swatter when the time flies start buzzing