Surfing Madonna goes to Council

According to the rubric proposed by carlsbadcrawl, the Surfing Madonna in Encinitas qualifies as a piece of street art worth keeping. Its aesthetic artistry is that of a professional. Though not all, a large percent of the community supports it. The content is widely unoffensive, though again a small percent of the community differs. Its location is prime and, if viewers and passing motorists are responsible, the artwork does not jeopardize the safety of the community. The cost of removal has already reached $2,000 for preliminary removal analysis.

Considering the pros and cons of the piece and the overall reaction of the community, and according to the proposed Sanctioned Street Art Rubric, the impressive piece of art justifies sanctioning.

The Encinitas city council will be discussing the issue tonight at this week’s council meeting. The issue is slated at the end of the night.

Click HERE for the agenda!

Show your support and let the council hear your stance!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)