Summer Pays the Bills

Though the sun has recently only made mid day appearances, Summer has arrived in the Carlsbad Village The local streets animate with flip flops and foreign accents. The beaches are pricked with brightly colored umbrellas and local merchants entice vacationers with new products, tasty appetizers and a slew of eye catching promotions.

As a local, you might cringe at the wave of tourists that crash upon on village each Summer, but as a beach economy who depends greatly on this yearly surge of business… Summer pays the bills.

Stay tuned for more Summer observations in the Carlsbad Village!

1 Response to “Summer Pays the Bills”

  1. 1 mimi Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:10 am

    we love the the surge in business and very much need it after last summer. All we ask is they don’t leave their trash (especially plastic bottles) on the beach. I always have to pick up. Hopefully all the locals are tending to their trash, including cigarette butts>
    Looking forward to summer observations!

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