Each egg was created during Carlsbadcrawl’s collective at the ARTpartment. This was a preparation stage for PROJECT: Plant an Egg.

Click on each photo to enlarge!

anti.jpg abe.jpg aquatica.jpg big-head.jpg yoga.jpg weed.jpg weather.jpg tweety.jpg too-cool.jpg tom.jpg tired.jpg taz.jpg swell.jpg super-charger.jpg spotty.jpg spidey.jpg space-case.jpg snuggle.jpg snobby.jpg smooches.jpg sloth.jpg shelly.jpg rue.jpg rocker.jpg rainbow-pants.jpg printy.jpg pretty-flower.jpg petro.jpg peewee.jpg peace-and-love.jpg patty.jpg patience.jpg muse-and-artist.jpg mr-stache.jpg mr-haggard.jpg loopy.jpg lipa.jpg lava.jpg hey.jpg herps.jpg happy-plant.jpg gullwing.jpg gagged.jpg frank.jpg first-day-of-school.jpg eyes-cream.jpg droopy.jpg drama.jpg doors.jpg dogpile.jpg dino.jpg dingle.jpg crawlers.jpg cloud-9er.jpg choco.jpg buttons.jpg buck-hoppy.jpg bookworm.jpg booger.jpg bonita.jpg

Which one is you favorite?

Tell carlsbadcrawl HERE!

you can find the name up in the address bar after clicking to enlarge!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com