Plant a Pumpkin (prep)


Would you like to be part of our newest project?

Come join us at the ARTpartment for a night of creativity, rambles, pumpkin decorating and other shenanigans.

BYOPumpkin(s)…crafts and inspiration provided!

• WHERE: the ARTpartment (ask for directions)
• WHEN: Wed. Oct. 29th… When the moon is at its fullest!
• WHY: to partake in carlsbadcrawl’s newest project
• WHO: anyone who wants to get involved

What will your pumpkin look like and where will you put it?

this is just an early preparation stage for a larger project. More details to come in the near future…

2 Responses to “Plant a Pumpkin (prep)”

  1. 1 Evan Oct 27th, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Hi Bryan, I have a class on Wednesday night but maybe I can come by afterwards. I just found out Carlsbad High School TV will be interviewing me sometime this week: will send you details when I get them. Will be wearing my Bryan Snyder original shirt! It will be broadcast (& available on demand for awhile) to their 3000 students & teachers as well as on School Tube.

  2. 2 bee honey Oct 30th, 2008 at 7:19 am

    Last night was fun! and all the pumpkins look great!

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