Plant a Joke 2009

PROJECT PLant a Joke2

Many have asked whether carlsbadcrawl will be doing Project: Plant a Pumpkin this year. We have decided to skip that project for 2009 for a variety of reasons. Taking its place will be a new one… Project: Plant a joke!

Starting this morning, and for the duration of the Carlsbad Street Fair, 16 individually painted joke crowing roosters will be crawling the village streets. Each one includes the answer to a cheesy child friendly joke.

Visit Snyder Art (MAP) for more project information including the 16 joke questions printed for your crawling convenience. Use the print as a guide and complete each joke!

Complete all the jokes, return the filled out sheet to Snyder Art, and WIN a FREE T shirt.

“creating culture one project at a time.”

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)