Published December 3rd, 2007
in photography.

Wouldn’t it be great if this nest hadn’t been blown down from its home high above in the branches of one of the many tall palms of Carlsbad! What if a group of determined birds organized a community project and lifted it back to where it sat before the winds. Before any big project, or change, a network of minds has to be created which then will result in a movement.
For now these woven branches, crafted together with dry mud and poo, sits alone and birdless for you to marvel at.
Published November 30th, 2007
in music.
…parallel and perpendicular lines!

A Nihilist sticker peeks over the fence during a Charger Central gathering.
Again I am drawn to the green and red contrast. The peeling fence paint and the fall colored leaves battle the greens of the palm and background trees but give way to the small but dominating icon of the peeking Nihilist sticker strategically placed on the top of the band van.
Published November 30th, 2007
in rambles.
I felt the pains of growth in years of transition between youth and adulthood. The uncertainty of my chosen path haunted me every night as I juggled financial success with the drive to peruse my passion of art. I tried to steal glimpses of the future but was constantly clouded by the urge of financial success. I lingered in this gray area of uncertainty with a slight vision of happiness but weighted by anxiety. Grays lingered close as I feebly balanced on a pole of fate. The storm constricted my passions as the desire of greed violently penetrated the space below in colorless geometric shapes. My fall would surely result in the impalement of numbers and equations as my dreams blew into the lost horizon.
My future existed not below in the dark riches , but above in the sliver of colored unpredictability. I rose through the angry clouds and fallowed my illuminated path away from the certainty of financial stability and toward the blue organic swirls of artistic expression.

The dim sky momentarily allowed rays of sun for this picture then quickly fell dark like a haggard model showcasing her valuable smile only as long as the camera’s flash before relapsing back to pains felt from the long night before. A hint of color pokes through the stormy sky above the angled lines below.
Published November 28th, 2007
in art.
I spotted the thick trunk of this palm tree while walking home from the village one day. I stood in my tracks awed by the battle which took place before me. The bright red tag, lost in hostile territory, is slowly constricted by its rival of contrasting green shrubbery. Though outnumbered, the red tag holds it dominance and overpowers the viewer’s eye and all other competing colors.
I soon realized the colors weren’t the only contrasts. Prior to seeing this visual battle, I walked with a spring in each step as I marveled at the rays of sun shining though the patchy clouds. The day was grand and I felt comfortable. Within seconds after stumbling upon the red tag and green surrounding shrubbery, my emotion dropped to that of agitation. I then remembered the power of color and the emotions they can provoke.

“I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green. The room is blood red and dark yellow with a green billiard table in the middle; there are four lemon-yellow lamps with a glow of orange and green. Everywhere there is a clash and contrast of the most alien reds and greens…” -Vincent Van Gogh
Published November 28th, 2007
in photography.
Welcome to Carlsbadcrawl where everyday artistic observations of the Carlsbad Village are made.
This site is a vehicle to connect minds with intriguing and artistic ideas, observations, beliefs and other shenanigans. Carlsbad Crawl’s goal is to create a culture within our Village by the Sea focusing on the arts rather than the next swell, Tony Hawk or the last High School football game.
A network of minds is impossible without you so feel free to comment on all postings and/or submit any ideas, stories or photos.

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