Archive Page 48

anti interference?


Ideas are seen in the arrangements of flowers in your neighbor’s yard, in the elegant carve of a balding surfer and in the incoherent rambles of a roadside hobo. In most cases, a thought remains subtle and far from igniting backlash. In other cases, an idea is transformed through forceful and slightly intrusive muscle.

The right to hold opinions without interference is one of our greatest freedoms. It allows for the opportunity to transfer one’s thoughts. It provides a stage to express  emotions. Your content comes from your heart and your medium is your voice, but is the forceful nature of some fair for all? Should your space be invaded by the opinions of others?

Where do you draw the line?

Carlsbadcrawl 2009 Wall Calendar


Exactly one year ago today our first observation was recorded on An in depth documentation of our village soon followed with through observations of our community, local artist interviews and public projects. Today, carlsbadcrawl remains a gift to our community and continues to observe and interact with the intent of encouraging the development of a more creative and artistic culture within our village. Thanks for your continued interest in all of our shenanigans!carlsbadcrawl-birthday-cake.jpg

What better way to celebrate 12 months of visual rambles than with the release of our first 12 month wall calendar. Enjoy each month’s photo and feel free to revisit to reread the past ramble. The calendar consists of 11 photos, 1 local artist interview collage and 1 community project page:


Thanks again for making this first year so special and remember… keep those eyes open. We have plenty of ideas in the works!

Any Takers?


Imagine a place where kids sat on low couches and tapped their feet to  the beats of local bands. Imagine a place where kids skateboarded freely. Imagine a place where kids created in a “honeycomb” of local artists. Imagine a place where kids were encouraged to express their ideas in an inspiring atmosphere. If only a place existed.state-sk8-crawl.jpg

AVAILABLE NOW! 2598 State Street
• 9,500 sq. ft.
• High Ceilings
• No residential neighbors
• close to train station


This just might be the perfect location during the perfect time. Carlsbad has seen an interest in local art as of late. The “local” skatepark is on the verge of being replaced by a police training facility and a venue where local bands jam still doesn’t exist. It’s time to shift the primary attention to the youth of our community. Lets give them the location to develop their talents and interests. We found this spot which just might be perfect… ANY TAKERS!

Doodle of the Week 11/22


When Monsters Eat People by Kevin Stallings 2008
5 years old – Hope Elementary School: Mr. Koopsen’s class

“I would do anything to forget all that I had been taught in the
years I attended art school. I desire the time where my mind was
free from the “rights and wrongs” of creating art. As a young child, the
creative process is more natural and free.”

– senior year art student at Cal State University Hayward about the act of creating

Center Stage


The street is a stage. Curtains draw wide as  clouds tumble towards the horizon and a spotlight shines bright from high above. Vignettes are made up of random interactions and a script depends on the direction of the wind. Romances bloom in roadside flower pots and disruptions flare in congested intersections. Hobos growl and the thought police slap as you munch on popcorn on the edge of your favorite bench.

front-row.jpgWhen the rabbit ears droop, the radio wamps and the words on your favorite pages leap frog, where  do you find entertainment? Our village provides a stage for daily shows. Admission is free and the plot is always different. Open your eyes and downshift your schedule, the show is about to begin!

What is going on in the above scene? What is your explanation?

.complaints to the editor

An elderly man awakes to the same buzz he has heard each morning for the past many decades. He yawns as the early morning sun creeps through his dusty blinds. He grabs a framed photo from his bedside table and presses his dry lips against the glass. He slips his wrinkled feet into the grooves of his favorite slippers and he begins his day. His robe, stitched in frayed string, wraps his old body and he stumbles into the hall. The hard wood floor creeks and his bones rattle as the heater automates to a rumble. Cold air blows across his bare head. The house becomes animated with the air of a warm hug. With a cup of fresh coffee in hand, he sits in his chair and begins browsing the morning paper. His lips smack as he mumbles the words off the front page and his fingers twitch. Like he has done each morning since the passing of his wife, he plans his entire day around the smorgasbord of television listings within the day’s paper. He fumbles through the pages, pausing at moments to lick his finger. His brow raises and his jaw drops. Inside the entertainment section lies an empty space where the television listings use to rest. He scans the paper again while birds begin to chirp outside. His head begins to throb and his stomach turns. Again, he searches through the section where his listings have been inserted in the past. With a disgruntled squint, he spots a thin line of text at the bottom of the entertainment back page:

“Due to the current economic situation, we have chosen to eliminate the television schedule from our newspaper. Please go to the following web address for the listing…”

As technology advances, routines change… can you keep up?

Doodle of the Week 11/15

Mr. Happy by Jew Jew Bean 2008

Remember when the cartoons that we watched on television each Saturday morning were hand drawn, or at least flat digital animations that seemed hand drawn. Remember when Commander Mark of the Drawing Squad was your idol, not Pixar.

Each Saturday morning will now be dedicated to hand drawn doodles. It can be the result of many hours under a bright lamp or a quick sketch on the back of a napkin. Lets bring back the pencil and ink….

Send in your doodles! One will be chosen each week and posted Saturday morning!

Street Smarts


Many projects are thwarted by the lack of ideas. Buckets of paint remain stagnant and brushes dry. Canvases lay white and fingernails clean. A creative block can hit like an unexpected quake. The foundation in which you base your thoughts can crumble. What was once stable, can be leveled by the lack of ideas.  When in need, when your mind hits a block, look outward. Observe your surroundings and keep abreast with current and past events. Fallow the many stories that flutter the pages of your newspaper and other reads. One might ignite your next project…

Have you noticed the ideas of past politicians, writers and scientists in the streets of our community? Someone has used the streets as their cork board and randomly tacked a variety of influential quotes. George Washington rambles on his way to check the waves and George Orwell evades the thought police at the car wash…

condo.jpg offshore.jpg raw-skin-surf-shop.jpg hydrant.jpg pig.jpg
state4.jpg pots.jpg state3.jpg state2.jpg state1.jpg

If we missed any, let us know!

Who arranged this art project? It’s a mystery to us at carlsbadcrawl, but our archives just might provide a clue! How observant are you?

this is not a carlsbadcrawl project, but we support all forms of expression

Where am I?


Our beaches stamp to the foot of sunset joggers and wide grass lawns dent to the rumps of family picnics. Playgrounds animate like ants on sweets and local shops entice with exaggerated sales. Stones grind under the sweaty boot of an early morning hike and city council members cringe at audience participation.

Off the beaten path, a drainage trickles…

Where am I?

A Pumpkin Planting Promotion


We would like to thank all the participants in carlsbadcrawl’s most recent public art project, Plant a Pumpkin. Like other projects, our goal was to unite our community through art and creativity. In project: Plant a Pumpkin, we chose to involve local pubs, cafes, stores, eateries and community centers as a way to promote the village’s local businesses. Each pumpkin was strategically placed with the intent to bring village wanderers and shoppers to establishments that we choose to support.

Some Chosen Establishments:

Ohana Creations – 550 Grand Ave
Tropical Arrangements-designed daily with Aloha. Look for the giant floral mural!
Mystical Dragon – 570 Grand Ave.
Fairies, dragons and wizards… the perfect randomly creative gift!
New Village Arts Theatre – 2787 B State St
“…power and passion of the artist”…You can’t go wrong with that!!!googly-birdie.jpg
Carlsbad Village Theatre – 2822 State St
History and entertainment with a neighboring magic shop!
Village Natural Health – 2972 State St
A healthy body = A healthy mind
Giacoletti Music – 505 Carlsbad Village Dr
Private lessons as well as North County’s largest sheet music selection
Newbry Gallery – 3095 State St
Carlsbad has its creative hotspots, this is one of them!
By the Sea Productions 2956 Roosevelt Stplentiful.jpg
Memories last forever, but film doesn’t…archive it!!!
Super Donut – 590 Grand Ave
Choose a stool or creep the drive thru…smiles either way!
Ivanffy Uhler Gallery – 565 Grand Ave
White walls are boring… drop in and see the village’s newest addition!
Spin Records – 370 Grand Ave
“Support local businesses! or there won’t be anything but Wal-Marts”
Farenheit 451 Books – 323 Carlsbad Village Dr
Need some inspiration, check out their collection!
Boys and Girls Club – 3115 Rooesevelt
Indoor soccer, swim, foosball… we grew up there too!diva.jpg
Beach  City Smoothie – 594 Carlsbad Village Dr
A great way to start those slow mornings, plus free WiFi
Cafe Elysa – 3076 Carlsbad Blvd
Great outside atmosphere. Ideal for people watching!
Yoshino Sushi and Frozen Yogurt – 2913 State St
Discounted rolls after 4pm. Cash only!!! or a friendly IOU

click HERE to view the UPDATED MAP!

click HERE to see all the PUMPKIN PHOTOS!

Thanks again for your participation in PROJECT: Plant a Pumpkin. Stay tuned for future projects and remember…keep those eyes open!

Halloween 2008


I return to the ARTpartment after a long day of colors, shapes and repetition. The door swings open and reveals Edie in a robe dabbing makeup in front of a vertical andy-warhol-snyder.jpgmirror. “Oh Andy”, she calls out as I waltz into the room. She wraps her warm arms around my neck and squeezes as if I had just returned form a long voyage. I avoid her thick pink lipstick and place a kiss on her powdered edie-sedgwick-drink.jpgcheek. I notice our matching outfits laid out on the bed and we both chuckle with anticipation. Each year, Halloween serves as our final exam, our senior thesis and our culmination of  many months engulfed in the lives of our newest muses. For Halloween 2008, we decided to reflect the creative whirlwind in which we have found ourselves spinning in with an artsy onslaught of fashion and conceptualization through the eyes and lives of Andy Warhol and Edie Sedgwick.

edie-sedgwick-smoke.jpgLike any fashion icon, Edie primps in front of the mirror as I arrange our annual photo shoot. Cans of paint, leftover from a previous project, work well as props and a tattered tripod is erected. Edie enters the room as if she is walking down a long catwalk while fashion icons and New York socialites stare. Her face enhanced by thick strokes of black and pink is offset by a heavy beauty mark. Her platinum blond hair glows under the overhear light and her body is punctuated by a striped shirt and tight black leggings. She points at me and orders up a few head shots. “You’re the boss applesauce” and I shoot away!


snyder-art-speakeasy-gallery.jpgThe night life of the village calls and we are soon swooped away in route for the local pubs. Super E man and Carlsbad’s finest joins us as my Polaroid camera idles.  The moon stands alone and a thin layer of fog tumbles across the street as we enter a local hangout. Soon after arrival, we our andy-warhol-speakeasy-gallery.jpgjoined by a dude of a devil. Laughter spreads as fast as pint glasses clink and soon the patio is full of a crowd of friends including a werewolf, Batman, Jesus and the St. Pauli Girl.

A motherly witch joins the fun and escorts us to the Speakeasy  gallery in Oceanside. The parking lot rambles with sites from a panda bear to Harry Potter and large boxes invite the creative to doodle the night’s thoughts. Brightly lit walls of the gallery are cluttered with a group show ranging from photography to water color while oil paintings ripple off canvases. The hypnotizing melodies of the band bounce of the surrounding hills and snacks grow stale. Hours easily blow in the brisk wind and as November creeps closer, we jump into a taxi.


Conveniently, a house throbs with excitement only doors from our beds and we enter. A masterpiece of festive decorations greets us as zombies and mummies slouch on the couch. A winding hallway nudges through the kitchen and a back door opens to a sea of faced painted and half naked scenesters. A camera crew catches every move and a wedding proposal climaxes with a kiss as the crowd howls at the moon. We find a sturdy fence and log some quality people watching.


Halloween, situated at the end of each year, is the perfect opportunity to showcase your year long infatuation with one of the many interesting icons of the past. It’s as if the first 10 months of the year is a long class and you are the student in the front row scribbling the rambles of a shaggy haired professor. We dive into books, magazines and documentaries. We recite favorite lines and memorize subtle quirks and mannerisms. We contemplate past beliefs and break down glorified ideas. Like a gown wearing graduate, we celebrate the culmination of another stage in our artistic development through the interest in a muse and the festivities of the year’s Halloween.

What did you do this Halloween? What were your favorite costumes?

PROJECT:Plant a Pumpkin 2008


Log the number and a description of your found pumpkin in the below comments!

Click HERE for info and a map of the pumpkin locations!

Click HERE for photos of all the pumpkins!

friends of the ARTpartmemt


Friends and family arrived with pumpkins as the glue guns warmed and the radio awoke. Pumpkin bread baked in the oven as the breeze carried cool air and the loving-it.jpgscent of cinnamon. The television slept as conversation erupted and refreshments bubbled to the beat of another creative night at the Artpartment.

Each crawler grabbed a pumpkin and chose a starting station. Above linoleum and on a saggy table sat a variety of plastic cups full of bright colors and bristled brushes. Heat guns awaited the impatient and clay begged to be sculpted. Beyond a table of refreshments and snacks was the glue and pastel station. Feathers, colored cotton balls and pipe cleaners piled into a pyramid and googly eyes stared. Glue shooting guns oozed ammo like a war without a end and the carpet filled with glitter.  With pumpkin in hand, each crawler rotated stations like a smooth running factory worker, fueled by creativity and rewarded through the satisfaction of a project well done.

glue-station.jpg paint-station.jpg

Project: Plant a Pumpkin was developed to encourage the development of culture within our community. Like past projects, it thrives off participation and public interaction. Before we involve our community, we bond as a collective of friends and family in a project preparation stage at the Artpartment. When the roots are strong, we begin to branch outward. Through art, we strengthen our friendships…through projects, we bring together our community!

Stay tuned for photos of each pumpkin and info on where you can find them.

Halloween Art Show: Oside


WHAT: local art and costume
WHEN: October 31st 7pm
WHERE: Speakeasy Studio (MAP)
WHY: local art, music, treats and costumes

Dress to scare and enjoy this year’s Halloween with a night of creativity!

imagine all the people


A lifetime of creating begins with subtle ideas. You doodle favorite cartoons on folded napkins and scribble observations on the back of your hand. Crayons fill space between the lines of strangers and rhymes grow on the tip of your tongue. Your room becomes cluttered with the nurturing of a skill and your interests in art expands into the streets. The wanderings of Kerouac inspire you to leave home and the passionate observations of Bukowski teach you maddening dedication. Love is shared through Lennon and the mind’s perils are warned through Van Gogh. Like kelp attached to the rocky sea bottom, you toss in the tides, but maintain stability in the foundation of passion. You learn to hone skills through influences and build upon the lessons of your muses.

Who has inspired the way your create, the way you see the world…the way you think? You’ve read countless books on them and watched endless documentaries. You know their quirks and their strengths. For one night, imagine… if you could get away with being them…


Who would you be?

Plant a Pumpkin (prep)


Would you like to be part of our newest project?

Come join us at the ARTpartment for a night of creativity, rambles, pumpkin decorating and other shenanigans.

BYOPumpkin(s)…crafts and inspiration provided!

• WHERE: the ARTpartment (ask for directions)
• WHEN: Wed. Oct. 29th… When the moon is at its fullest!
• WHY: to partake in carlsbadcrawl’s newest project
• WHO: anyone who wants to get involved

What will your pumpkin look like and where will you put it?

this is just an early preparation stage for a larger project. More details to come in the near future…

rolling up The Red Carpet


My head hangs low as I approach the store-front of a local staple. A slimy sidewalk divides the entrance from the parking lot and I glance skyward. A droopy hand triangle.jpgwritten sign hangs overhead which reads- Going out of business. I peer through the dusty window and realize that, like the VHS tapes that once lined the tall shelves, the sign is also outdated. By the look of the inside, “going” was a few hours ago. The walls are empty and a thick cloud of smoke gathers high against the flaky ceiling. The carpet, which was once a deep red, is scattered with debris and the walls moan like a dilapidated jalopy. Red Carpet Video on Tamarack was once a destination hanging.jpgfor giggling children and cuddling lovers, but is now just a bunch of memories rolled up in one dirty ‘ole red carpet.

I tap the glass window with my keys and smirk a smile to the former owner. She wipes the sweat from her brow and flings her long brown hair out of her face. I give a wave and she motions to let me in. We exchange laughter though the mood is far from that reaction. As I enter, I reflect on the hit-shelf.jpgmany evenings in which I wandered the aisles in search of the night’s entertainment. I chuckle at the pranks we played and the stories we told. I remember the customers we watched and the nicknames we gave them. The commotion of crashing wood awakes me from my mental doodles as splinters fling in my direction. A shelf becomes victim of a sledge hammer like the video store was one to the convenience of home delivered DVDs.


I watch two former employees tackle the remaining furniture and shelves. A mess is created when I thought the goal was to clean it, but I can see the frustration in a business deal gone sour with each swing. Like a sneeze in an office, the emotion of the checkpoint.jpgsituation is contagious. With a hammer in my hand, I find myslef tossing weight through the air like a wild tomahawk. Cheers erupt with each hole as passers stop and watch.

The night carried on in this fashion until the the moon began to yawn and the stars became sleepy. With nothing more than wood scraps littered along the baseboards, we sat and reflected on the years we spent together, the people we met and the relationships we formed. Though the walls are bare and the shelves are empty, our minds are cluttered with memories that will always bring smiles and laughter.


Out of all the businesses that have come and gone, which ones do you remember? What keeps that memory alive?

Community Bulletin Boards


A walk to the beach or the local pub is like browsing the thin pages of the North County Times. It’s like wandering down the alleys of the internet and sitting through an onslaught of television commercials. In each case, thoughts present themselves for you to interact with. The time you invest all depends on the message being relayed.

lost-turtle.jpgThe streets of our village have numerous hot spots where thoughts are frequently exchanged. History splinters with each rusty tack on roadside poles and sleepy store front windows whisper upcoming sales. Use these community bulletin boards to post ideas. When in need, ask your community to come together!

Which messages do you filter and which ones do you absorb?

If you see Turbo, please bring him home!turtle.jpg
1024 Knowles Ave., Carlsbad
or call Kristy @ (760) 271-8900

“Come together, right now, over me”

Evan Delaney Rodgers Art Signs


As the Carlsbad city council election nears, signs begin sprouting within our neighborhoods and village. Flimsy material sway in the early fall winds with names of hopeful candidates. The sun intensifies contrasting colors and abbreviated slogans push you towards the local paper or website. Carlsbadcrawl has becomeevan-delaney-rogers.jpg interested in Evan Delaney Rodgers‘ ideas, specifically regarding local art in the village. In support of all pushes for the arts and creative ways to expand its presence, we have developed pieces of art to be placed on properties, or on walls, of those whom support local art and Evan’s interest in it.

Carlsbadrawl considers these signs to be art rather than one-time-use marketing material. Each sign is handmade, numbered and signed by both Bryan Snyder and Evan. Unlike the signs of other candidates, these will not find their ways into landfills. We hope local supporters will accept them as art and keep them well after November 4th as visually appealing creations, as well as a historical reminder of Evan’s attempt at being the youngest elected official in California.

click on all photos to enlarge

Art Signs can be picked up at Snyder Art (MAP). They will be left outside at all hours for your convenience. Along with the art signs, stickers, canvas bags and t-shirts are also available as gifts to our community.


Issues from Evan’s website (check out her “Phantom Gallery” idea)
San Diego Union-Tribune questionnaire
Coast News article

Contact for additional information. Evan can be contacted directly at

this is a project with an emphasis on “creative marketing”.

I am Carl Crawl


Each day begins with a wander so wide.
A nod at the sun, I follow the tide.

My hat reaches skyward with a buckle askew.
My hair is in tangles, a sight for a rue.

My clothes are simple, faded and old.
My eyes are full of sincerity, my ambition is bold.

I meander in alleys and under low trees.
Ramble on railroads, I’ve never had keys.

I speak in confidence through pictures so grand.
Thoughts tumble onto paper, they drip from my hand.

Introverted by choice and damned from the start,
Fueled by my passions, my mind, my art.

I keep it simple and have yet to fall.
I live in the shadows, I am Carl Crawl.


Have you had a Carl Crawl Spotting? Where was he?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)