WHAT: Local Open Mic
WHERE: Cafe Elysa (map)
WHEN: Saturday March 7th @ 7pm
WHY: Help develop your local culture
Email stopfreakingout@hotmail.com with any questions!
WHAT: Local Open Mic
WHERE: Cafe Elysa (map)
WHEN: Saturday March 7th @ 7pm
WHY: Help develop your local culture
Email stopfreakingout@hotmail.com with any questions!
A garden flourishes in the right conditions. Flowers blossom with explosions of wild color and vegetables grow plump. Roots swim through fresh soil and leaves spread wide in the day’s sun. Like flowers and vegetables, ideas grow rapidly when planted in favorable conditions.
Your ideas are planted by a muse. Inspirations digs deep into your mind and begins the slow, but fruitful process of growth. They slowly germinate as your mind turns, eventually pushing through the top soil and into the view of the community.
The longevity of your thoughts, once introduced to others, build strong through passion and the environment in which it has sprouted in. Chilling winds over blankets of blue ice would drastically impede the growth of a garden much like the close mindedness of an artistically stagnant neighborhood would prevent the expansion of creativity. Choose a location where others can interact, but where healthy growth can occur undeterred by those eager to “weed.” When possible, provide a forum where ideas can interact and build upon each other.
How have you encouraged healthy growth within your community?
” Would you like to have a small space to grow some vegetables? You are welcome to use a half of one of the boxes out front to plant what you’d like. You may use our water and there is no charge for this. All you have to do is plant what you want, take care of it and pick what you grow for yourself. It is a gift of space. Let me know.”
-Tanya Sternberg
Contact theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com if interested!
Place a sticker, snap a photo and send it to theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com!
Big Ben glows during a rainy London evening.
Where have you crawled?
email us your address and we will send you some stickers… BONUS: New Carl Crawl sticker included!
February flipped into the breeze like a napkin blown off a roadside table. Kisses were planted softly on warm cheeks and hands met during long sunset walks. Rhymes scribbled on nameless pages sat snug under wipers and whispers tickled the unexpected ear. Lazy mornings often became mid day snuggles and late night snapshots now dangle from your dining room walls. Loose kisses smelled of red wine a single rose fixed all your problems…
What simple surprise found you last month?
observed on february 12th, 2009
WHAT: Snyder Art and Music by Felisa Skibicki
WHERE: Hensley’s Flying Elephant (map)
WHEN: Fri. February 27th 7pm
WHY: Why not!
Food, Drinks, Art and Music…see you there!
Friends adventure in different ways as years flip in the breeze. Journeys entice the most grounded and home becomes the next gig. The time when each day began with the circulation of 10am phone calls is slowly departing. A morning hill was a highway and the humming urethane of a skater was your hot rod. A sit on the beach was your hour of therapy and the mischievous fart bomb planted strategically on a frequented corner was entertainment. Responsibilities tend to creep, schedules lure and the rapidly approaching future looms, but as often as we can make time, we let loose. A northbound meander led us up the I-5 in route for a night of the foot stompin’, knee slappin’ tunes of Los Sindicate at the OC Tavern in San Clemente.
Two security guards greeted us at the front door with fingers pointing at a hand painted sign. Los Sindicate scribbled in a thick marker confirmed that the long walk down the overly packed back alley led us to the right place. The once Chinese food restaurant, converted to a slightly upper scale grazing grounds for a prowl, invited us to a night of music and memories.
A large bar cracked as each stool slumped to the weight of light beer and fruity cocktails. Oversized plasma televisions pulsated with Ultimate Fighting and motor cross. The scent of styling gel hovered low. High heels strutted and muscles bulged like dancing fish around the frantic squirms of a juicy worm. Two large doors vibrated off the main hall accompanied by another guard with lazy eyes in search for blue wristbands. A nod fell and the double doors swung wide, releasing a soggy wave of thick air. Los Sindicate bounced on stage as the sounds of a loud party yanked us in.
Austin, a mean fiddler with deep punk rock roots rubbed the strings of his aged violin while hollering the well tuned vocals of his notebook scribbles. Bright lights and disco ball glitter bounced of his over sized belt buckle as his band mates kicked in their own individual way. Dan, an animal on stage and on guitar, overflowed with energy and wide smiles as even the mellowest rhythm was backed up with wild animation and passion. Brian thumped his base with sturdy swaggers and showcased a miraculous story visualized through music. Kevin, content in the back, pounded rhythm on drums, but when time called, took the over the stage with his powerful exhibition on the harmonica. Individually, each band member showcased the art of performance while as a whole, united in a powerful explosion of a raw energy and rocking talent.
For the night, we became young. Music guided us on a journey between heaven and hell, intersecting at a place called the OC Tavern. We floated effortlessly as ACDC covers and rockin’ espanol originals eliminated the thought of tomorrow’s chores. New and old friends shared the dance floor, and stage, as Los Sindicate’s Rock N Roll staggered into the early morning hours of San Clemente.
Should Los Sindicate Play in Carlsbad? Where?
Pizza Port, Kafana Cafe, coastal crawls and “the bars”… Jump back a decade and wander the Carlsbad coast and village through the black and white photos of Derek Mathis!
Click HERE, or the above ad, or on his tab under local artist, to read his interview and to see his work!
Lets here what you think!
Ideas are like the tides; they come and go. Creative waves surge through your mind in spurts of rolling energy followed by stagnant lulls of the uninspired. Like the varying size of a swell or the direction of its flow, each onslaught differs. Creative outbursts also vary where as one wave of creativity might focus around the elegant twists of brightly colored flower petals and another might probe the dark and less desirable pockets of your imagination. Do you restrict…
Do your creative waves correlate with your current state of mind?
Have you seen the set rolling into the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland Drive?
Like the motionless sea after a frenzy of waves, the most creative stretch can be accompanied with long lulls of artistic stagnation. Sketch books remain white and the pages of your idea book remain blank. Like a addict in need of their next fix, your brushes fiend for the crusty colors of a loaded palette. Your studio becomes dusty and your desk fills with clutter. You spend long hours staring into the horizon, waiting for an idea to sprout. You become restless and wander from your local village. You journey for inspiration, but become lost. Your mind becomes soft and a thick cloud hovers low. You sit in a dark room flipping through the pages of your contemporaries. Your supplies turn yellow and you grab your face. A loathsome scream meets the setting sun and you pound the ground until your worried mind retires for the night.
The morning chirp rattles you from a hazy dream as coffee tumbles into your studio. Papers animate in an early morning breeze and the scent of the sea tickles your nose. The early sun greets you with a hearty handshake and introduces you to the day…
How do you animate a creative lull?
do you support this public art project? If so, send us a message! carlsbad needs a new mosaic mural…
Place a sticker, snap a photo and send it to theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com!
Where have you crawled?
email us your address and we will send you some stickers… BONUS: New Carl Crawl sticker included!
Carlsbadcrawl will be on a short hiatus for a handful of days.
In the meantime, check out the Adventures of Kiwi and Banana by clicking HERE, or the above photo.
Feb. 2004-2009
Happy Valentine’s Day!
coming soon: local artist interview: derek mathis
Graphic designers doodle away on wacom tablets for high profile companies. Their imaginations piece together shapes and colors, but their creations become flat through client revisions and uneducated recommendations. Design principles are discussed, but soon thwarted by the hand who signs the check.
Graphic artists doodle away on wacom tablets for themselves and the onlookers whom show interest. Their designs are gifts to the public and their skills shine under the high noon sun and the buzz of local street lights. Compensation does not come in heavy checks, but through the recognition of a clever idea. A graphic artist creates for the love of a passion and the will to express ideas. Their work remains loyal to their own thoughts and are passed along through word of mouth. Their stage is not a plastic toy, but in the eyes and minds of those willing to observe.
Graphic designers and graphic artist are both gifted and trained. Their skills balance compositions through color combination and shapes while provoking a thought and branding an identity. The goal of a g.designer is to create a design for someone else resulting in a paycheck where as a g.artist creates for the sole reason to document a personal idea.
Where have you seen the work of a graphic artist and how does it differ from the work of a graphic designer?
filmed and submitted by Jason Groves
Your story consists of a string of ideas, adventures and friendships. It defines the person you are and the accomplishments, and failures, you have produced. Like a drifting message sealed in a weathered bottle, your ideas wander. They are fueled by passion and guided by fate. Currents carry them to far places where, hung above an old fireplace, they provoke conversation.
What is your story? Who tells it? Where has it reached?
“Street Fancy is a place where you can find people celebrating their own individuality. Here, you can find updates on fashionable events and trend forecasts. Real style uproots from the streets.”
Click HERE, or on the above ad, to view the blog. Check often… we have been told many stories and fashionable observations are in the works!
Do you have an idea for carlsbadcrawl.com? For Carlsbad? Click the left tag labeled “FEEDBACK” to tell us what is on your mind!
An artist’s working space is one of limited interruptions, but alive with each day’s surprises. It drips creativity like a loose brush and is dressed with the inspiration of past muses. Supplies gather like a steamy buffet and rock n roll tumbles into the shadowy streets. Coffee shops and beach walks wait for random breaks and encouragement is given with each passing glance. Windows invite sunshine and an idea grows in the colors of your day’s palette.
Studio L: 2913 State St: $550/month
•About 300 sq. ft. with carpet and two windows facing West. All Utilities included except phone/cable. $650 deposit.
Studio O: 2913 State St: $600/month
•About 300 sq. ft. with hard wood floors and two windows facing West. All Utilities included except phone/cable. $700 deposit.
call (760) 720-9212 if interested!
WHAT: Art by Jason Adams
WHERE: Hensley’s Flying Elephant (MAP)
WHEN: Friday Jan. 30th: 6pm
WHY: Local Art and Stencils
See you there!
Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956)
Who from the past influences your present?
click HERE to make your own pollock painting! take a screen shot and send it our way!
click photos to enlarge
The unforgettable reaction to a surprise birthday celebration is priceless. For a confused second, time freezes and a growing realization stumbles through the mind of the unexpected. Eyes widen and a mouth gasps for air while a room full of screaming friends explodes with laughter and party favors. Like a well organized painting or a proportionally accurate sculpture, a successful surprise is the result of creative planning, precise organization and the participation of friends and family.
On January 24th, a room sat dark and full of long time friends and new acquaintances. Periodically, the door would crack open with broken updates and the teasing rue. Cameras glowed and toddlers bounced off
walls. A makeshift paper net held an arrangement of colorful balloons low above the door and streamers danced in the breeze blown in from an open window. Muffled whispers tumbled and giggles rolled as Andy fumbled his keys in the outside chill.
The door opened with a gentle push and Andy was greeted with the unexpected explosion of balloons, laughter and the faces of his closest friends. Startled, he bounced back as he attempted to understand his scare. The shock soon faded as he regained color in his cheeks. The walls echoed with laughter and the celebration bounced into the night.
Along with creating beautiful paintings, Candice can throw a perfect surprise birthday party. It was a masterpiece…great job and…
Happy Birthday Andy!!!
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