WHAT: Carlsbad Village Skate Park and Museum Meeting WHEN: Tues. January 26th at 10am WHERE: 2579 State Street, Carlsbad (MAP) WHY: It’s better late than never
The Carlsbad Village and surrounding areas have always been a destination for local, and world wide, skateboarders. Skateboarding videos have rolled montages of local obstacles including each Carlsbad school, the Bars and numerous residential gaps and ledges.
During the late 90s, the village became overrun by kids passionate about skating, but without the appropriate facilities to practice their skills. The streets became an obvious substitute. The clack of urethane wheels could be heard at all business fronts and a waxed curb was as familiar as a waxed surfboard.
To thwart the increasingly popular counter culture sport and sub culture lifestyle that was rapidly growing in our local streets, the Carlsbad council designated the village streets as illegal to skate in. Tickets were issued and the local skate industry businesses closed (XYZ and Carlsbad Board Supply).
The village streets again became sleepy and the local youth were left to risk fines or drop their early passion and form of recreation.
Why wasn’t there a skatepark built in the village vicinity to accommodate the local youth’s passion and chosen form of recreation?
• The Death of a Skatepark by bryan snyder(click HERE)
The sun stretches low as a crisp Christmas morning in the Carlsbad village invites families and friends. Children bundled up in fuzzy sweaters trample down the shady sidewalks and parents sip their first cup. City workers rake leaves and pick up debris as an observant child stares into a tree. A crafted ornament in purples and pink sways in the morning breeze. The child is lifted into the branches where he plucks his observation.
Friends and family met again at the ARTpartment to create crafts for this year’s Project: Plant an Ornament 2009 on December 21st, 2009. The night consisted of tons of laughter and a wide range of creativity!
Thanks for all who participated and thanks for all the birthday wishes!
Naked Christmas ornaments hang from the walls and a table stresses, laden with feathers, pipe cleaners, cotton balls and other crafts. A fridge swells with snacks and refreshments and glue guns sit motionless like the seconds before a mid Western shoot out.
The ARTpartment again comes alive for this year’s craft night in preparation for another creative Christmas morning project… Plant an Ornament: 2009!
WHAT: project:plant an ornament 2009 Craft Preparation Night WHERE: the ARTpartment WHEN: Mon. Dec. 21st (tonight) at 7PM WHY: Local craft and a birthday celebration WHO: You!
I spy a garage tanning in the sinking sun. Its trim is white, though leans towards the colors of another SoCal sunset. Shingles scamper towards the moist green grass and the inner garage breathes through pipes the color of hand molded pottery. A pair of palms contrast against the earthy tones of the garage and dance in front of a baby blue curtain. High in the cloudless sky and as lonely as a broken heart, the moon hangs small and distant…
Another local observation is acknowledged, recorded and remembered.
The acknowledgment of time is unavoidable. Some refuse to wear watches and others attempt to only use the sun, but the ticks of a clock are always in the back of your mind.
When does time seem to slow down or when do the months on your favorite wall calendar flip as often as leaves tumble down a wind blown street? It all depends on what lies in your future and how eager you are to get there. A colorful cross scribbled in a child’s favorite crayon represents one more Winter day closer to Christmas though it seems time has paused and a stressed college student bites nails when an encroaching exam seems to skip weeks. At times you hope to slow down time while during other situations you just want to skip months in a single leap!
Every artist not only inspires, but also seeks out their own inspiration. Projects are developed through research and evolve into one’s own individual and unique idea.
December 8th has been a date which, gave as well as took…
Jim Morrison was born on Dec. 8th 1943. After attempting a career in film making, Jim became one of rock history’s greatest lyricists. He later dedicated the majority of time towards writing poetry.
John Lennon was assassinated on Dec. 8th, 1980. His music, art and beliefs moved many during his lifetime and he continues to inspire to this day.
What dates stand out in your artistic and personal development?
Another 12 months has come and gone which means we again have gone through our stacks of archived photos and chosen are favorites. 12 months of photos plus one cover shot have been assembled into one glossy wall calendar.
What better way to start each month than with a creative photo of your village? Each photo has an idea or story behind it. Crawl the pages of carlsbadcrawl.com at the beginning of each month to find them all!
The creation of art is closely connected to your state of mind. Emotions not only dictate the content of your work, but they affect the quality of the work, as well as the amount of work completed. Happiness may skew your palette towards brighter colors while sorrow and sadness may invite the hues of a stormy sky. Your work may become rushed during agitation or polished when fueled by a new love. An onslaught of creativity may result in high hopes and eagerness while a studio may remain dark and cold during heartache. The content, quality and quantity of work is a window into the mind of the creator.
A positive state of mind sends you on a productive and rewarding ride, but when you are down, you work slides. The job of an artist is not only to create, but is to counsel one’s own thoughts and emotions. An analysis results in a plan to get back on track. If successful, these emotions will trigger an onslaught of creativity!
How do your emotions affect your work? When up, does your work excel? When down, how do you lure yourself out of the dark?
Two years ago today carlsbadcrawl.com begin its journey. A single photo was taken from a village balcony which ignited a thought, an analysis and an desire to share.
Our goal has stayed true to the development of an artistic culture in the Carlsbad village. Carlsbadcrawl.com serves as a stage to express ideas. Thoughts grow from interactions with friends, family and strangers and blossom on the pages of this website.
Thank you all for your support and participation!
The above video was shot on site at Carlsbad High School back in February 11, 2008 for CHSTV
Art is created by two different types of artists. One type creates to share their feelings, the deep emotions that define who they are and how they think. Their art comes from the heart. Others create art strictly for the sale. They paint not from experience or passion, but to lay down colors and shapes which will have the highest chance of selling. Their favorite piece is whichever one sells first and a successful art show is judged by the thickness of their wallet. A true artist creates from the heart and is driven by a passion to create, not sell.
Young children who have not yet experienced greed, jealousy and competition are the best artists. Their work is not tampered with these interruptions. All work should be created for the family refrigerator and the price of each piece of work should be a smile.
Jefferson Elementary School in Carlsbad recently had their annual Beauty is… art show. The walls of the auditorium were scattered with amazing creations. Though we were asked to judge the art and pick pieces to advance to next stage, the art was far from being tainted by competition. Each piece was painted or illustrated free of the “rights and wrongs” of creating art for sale. The work was free and more natural. This show was by far one of our favorites of the year!
True art comes from the love of creating. True artist create for the love of their passions.
Thank you Jefferson Elementary School for the invitation. Many artists could learn a lot from your students!
Published November 20th, 2009 in photography.Closed
Tourists fluid are shady village streets on vacations much like we do to other communities during our days off. We grimace when traffic creeps along the coast highway and splash water when our local lineups bob with farmer tans. We all like to travel as much as we love Carlsbad, but unlike most who visit our streets and beaches, we get to return to paradise.
Santa Barbara is much like Carlsbad. Dominated by a thriving surf culture and rushed with summertime tourism. There is a downtown village scattered with boutiques and pubs. NO SKATEBOARDING signs are littered on every post, pole and wall. Moms and children scamper within the shady streets during the days and the younger crowds pound chests and show leg during the nights.
The coast line has been blessed and cursed at the same time. At least a half dozen points line the coast, but stay dormant for most of the year due to a swell shadow cast by the Channel Islands. A head high swell will have to roll in before most points pick up anything. Summer and Spring remains small for the most part. A good beach break can be found during the Summer, but your best bet is Fall and Winter. With fickle swell for most of the year, watch the crowds during the good times because the word of an incoming swell brings out every Al Merrick board in the entire county!
What swell, shenanigans or adventures have you found in SB?
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