The streets of the Carlsbad Village have seen a variety of community projects by Carlsbad artist Bryan Snyder over the past 6 years including scavenger hunts, collage projects, public interaction art shows and many other art happenings, but Carlsbad is not the only place Snyder takes his community building ideas.
On the weekend of May 10th, Snyder was invited to conduct a community art project over a 2 day period at Camp Hess Kramer during a Bat Mitzvah snug tightly within the Malibu Hills.
Snyder and the Miller family collaborated on ideas, ultimately deciding on a project that would be created by each guest during the weekend celebration.

Each of the 200 guests were introduced to Snyder, the design outlined on the canvas and the overall project that was going to eventually follow them around the camp for the next few days.
The project was prepped with an image chosen by the Miller Family of a traditional Jewish dance. Snyder introduced the project to each guest and explained how each member of the event would help fill the outlined design with color using nothing but magazine tear outs.”
A schedule and camp map guided Snyder, his canvas, his bucket of glue and his box of magazines around the camp with collage stops everywhere from the main dining hall to the outside lawn.
Crowds of all ages tore through dozens of magazines in search of the perfect color that would fill the awaiting colorless gap on the canvas. Others stood back with watchful eyes.

At each round of collaging, Snyder excitedly explained that one day the finished canvas would radiate with color in the home of a grown woman reminding not only of this joyous ceremony, but of all the family, friends and loved ones that participated in the creation of the artwork and the ultimate celebration of the event.
A special thanks to Camp Hess Kramer, the Miller family and all the participants over the weekend long project!
Contact theartist@snyderartdesign.com for community art project inquiries.
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