Their horse ran as strong as a locomotive and their destination was a mystery to them and to all whom they left behind. Their bags were packed with the necessities and their ambitions were as limitless as a cloudless sky. Hand in hand, they set out in search for unfamiliar streets, nameless faces and new found adventures.
They laughed over long plains and slept in undisturbed fields. They joked and listened to oldies and sang when the radio snoozed. The sun greeted them each day with a hearty handshake and the infrequent downpour washed the dust from their sail.
Days rolled into months and many years were stashed away in a box of memories. The future was uncertain, but their tank remained full and their wheels rolled like the first pedals of a Christmas morning ride.
The endless road, the horse which never rested and the hearts that pumped in unison was only an illusion.
When have you seen something clearly, but later found out it was fake?
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