Do you have a relationship with your surroundings? A wander during an early morning can be led by the openness to observe. Flowers become brighter and overhead nests become louder. Trees become greener and neighbors smile wider. Your path will become scattered with observations… and you will eagerly seek each one.
Your relationship with your surroundings grows over time. Sites seen each morning become a fixture in your daily routine. Like a recognizable face, you find a calming sensation upon each interaction. Your heart warms, your mind stimulates and a relationship is created…
Unfortunately sites are like sandcastles. Eventually they slip into sea…
The above palm is scheduled for removal. Here is a chance to let your voice be heard. Do you want to save a tree? Do you want to keep a favorite site? Use your voice and express how you feel…
Michael Bliss
Parks and Recreation Department
Why keep this tree?
coming soon: “Labor of Love” a film by Bryan Snyder
Wow I can’t believe that I am just finding out! I will be calling Mike and causing a ruckus! I already saved one tree might as well add another!