Hello Summer: June 21st pt.11/12


Hello Summer part 11 of 12

The day’s blue meets the sleepy sun at the distant horizon. A casual interaction merges the two through a smooth gradient of color. Scattered clouds dance with the wind as they highlight the sinking sun. Limp clumps of seaweed tumble through the waves and wash up around my ankles. The commotion of rolling waves stirs foam, which like a paper towel after one too many mimosas, becomes saturated with oranges from the above sky.

Summer dusk invites long stares over the ocean. Warm breezes invite your toes to shuffle across the sand while another perfect Carlsbad Summer day says goodbye.

How often do you watch the sun set over the ocean? Where do you go?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com