Hello Summer 2009: June 21st pt.10/11


Hello Summer 2009 part 10 of 11

Carlsbad is scattered with hidden treats. Taco Land awaits its next wave of explorers and The Pit’s colorful walls challenge the most passionate doodlers. The shadows of Hosp Grove invite mellow strolls and a good conversation sits in the lawn at Off Shore. These spots have been created, or found, for us to respectfully enjoy. If you find yourself bored, and your favorites spots dull, do what the creator of the Carlsbad Plateau did and establish a new Summertime favorite spot!

renegade logYour loose trucks rattle over weathered cement and your wheels skid over scattered debris. Your skateboard vibrates under your feet with relaxing repetitions, but with unavoidable alertness. You gaze at a view of the lower hustle as the high noon sun glares. A haggard strip of sandy concrete challenges the smoothest roller and you drop into the hill. A short, but slightly steep transition, greets your run with a long grind across a sticky pipe. You lean back to avoid a sudden dismount and your trucks shriek in agony. Another concrete transition with an additional extension follows. The extension allows an easier climb, but your work is cut out when approaching the attached pool coping. An aggressive thrust is needed to get locked into a stall. The last obstacle is a taco tranny equipped with a round curved tree branch ideal for board stalls or slides. The Plateau is great for lines or each tranny can be individually sessioned, don’t forget to enjoy the view!

What have you contributed to Summertime in Carlsbad?

1 Response to “Hello Summer 2009: June 21st pt.10/11”

  1. 1 SteelyDAM Jul 2nd, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    Damn you sure know all the spots. I lived there for 5-6 years and didn’t know about some of these places but then again Stad was only in like 5th-6th grade and probably didn’t know them yet either to tell me about ’em. We’re enjoying the summer commentary. Keep it up. June 27th R.I.P.

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