Have you seen me?


The blue sky hints warmth as feeble clouds blow form the sea. Spring greets with hearty handshakes and charismatic smiles arouse conversation. Flowers invite hugs as bees buzz like an unleashed dog frolics after finding a loose panel. The fireplace stays cold and the television sleeps as toes acquaint themselves with the salty tides of the warming sea. Wintertime thoughts grow into bright ideas like a blossoming Spring flower. Village streets feed on the creativity once hid away during the long Winter.

What ideas have you been hording? What do you plan on doing with them? If not hidden behind closed doors, where would you plant them?

Ideas grow in the most random places…Have you seen me?

1 Response to “Have you seen me?”

  1. 1 Daniel May 27th, 2008 at 8:22 am

    I read similar article also named Have you seen me?, and it was completely different. Personally, I agree with you more, because this article makes a little bit more sense for me

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