David vs. Goliath Advertising

High profile companies branded by sleek advertising agencies use the streets to transfer ideas, products and services. Large billboards stand steadfast with catchy slogans and subliminal images. Wind battered banners are yanked across the Summer sky and the ever growing space between your favorite songs jingle with junk food and soda pop.

On a much smaller scale, though attempting to achieve the same goal, grass-root campaigns attempt to capture the attention of the unsuspecting passerby. These smaller campaigns don’t cast large shadows; they live within them. They plant clever images and catchy slogans along favorite walking paths, on the sides of a once popular payphones and on the dusty bumpers of weekend warriors.

Whether large or small, advertising and marketing companies are constantly fighting for your attention.

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com