Center Stage


The street is a stage. Curtains draw wide as  clouds tumble towards the horizon and a spotlight shines bright from high above. Vignettes are made up of random interactions and a script depends on the direction of the wind. Romances bloom in roadside flower pots and disruptions flare in congested intersections. Hobos growl and the thought police slap as you munch on popcorn on the edge of your favorite bench.

front-row.jpgWhen the rabbit ears droop, the radio wamps and the words on your favorite pages leap frog, where  do you find entertainment? Our village provides a stage for daily shows. Admission is free and the plot is always different. Open your eyes and downshift your schedule, the show is about to begin!

What is going on in the above scene? What is your explanation?

1 Response to “Center Stage”

  1. 1 SteelyDAM Nov 21st, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    Old man (Mayor Bud?) with Alzheimer’s who has been reported missing from the old folks’ home. Later discovered downtown in the middle of an intersection challenging passers-by to a fight, necessitating a stat call to Cbad P.D. for a show of force/takedown.

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