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Archive for the 'rambles' Category

Fingerprints and Tastebuds

What visual elements are your eyes drawn to? The wall or rail, the pole or sea gazers, the animated sea or the blue sky? Are you drawn to familiar icons like Andy Warhol, structures, direction of lines like De Chirico or emotional colors Like Van Gogh. Maybe its all abstract and each element is no […]

the irony…

During one of my many relaxing pits stop within the village, I noticed the irony of the police car, the red curb and the Donut Shop. Its amazing how often free entertainment occurs when you slow down and open your eyes.

Lines, Silhouettes and a Sky

I felt the pains of growth in years of transition between youth and adulthood. The uncertainty of my chosen path haunted me every night as I juggled financial success with the drive to peruse my passion of art. I tried to steal glimpses of the future but was constantly clouded by the urge of financial […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com