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Archive for the 'music' Category

LOS SINDICATE at the OC Tavern

Friends adventure in different ways as years flip in the breeze. Journeys entice the most grounded and home becomes the next gig. The time when each day began with the circulation of 10am phone calls is slowly departing. A morning hill was a highway and the humming urethane of a skater was your hot rod. […]

SAND JACKET reunites:Ocean House:1/15/09

click photos to enlarge Tables, which were scattered around the designated dance floor, sat nervous while high heeled groupies chugged Red Bulls. As empty cans began to pile and faces blushed, chants echoed throughout the cafe of the Ocean House in Carlsbad, “move the tables, move the tables, move the tables.” Within seconds, tables slid […]

NIHILIST KILLS the Royal Dive Bar

click photos to enlarge A mangled taxi screeches to a stop and a red faced driver peaks his head out the window. A surprisingly cheerful man with shaggy hair and thin stubble greets us. Through a cloud of smoke and a raspy voice, he asks where we would like to go. With horns lifted skyward […]

Felisa Skibicki-Encinitas

Relax with a cup of tea and experience the soothing songs of Felisa Skibiki. WHERE: E Street C@fe (directions and map) WHEN: March 22 at 8pm WHY: You like good music, a hot drink and you support local artists to read Felisa’s interview, click HERE!

NIHILIST kills:Harley Davidson

The sun dipped its sleepy eyes through the clouds just long enough to get a piece of Joe’s waling guitar solos, Loren’s growling vocals and the thumping rolls of Sean’s double base, before hiding again behind teasing clouds. The wind whipped hair that was too tired to headbang while others frenzied over the power of […]

Forgotten Passions

Do you have a hero, a muse or someone you look up to? Everyone has been influenced my someone else some time in their life. An early memory of a bright painting may have ignited the urge to record what you see or think through dancing images and a song might be responsible for your […]

Felisa Skibicki

While telling stories through smooth melodies and colorful lyrics, Felisa Skibicki translates her daily observations, ideas and passions into the universal language of song. Click HERE, on the above ad or on her tab under local artist, to read her interview and to hear her music! Let’s hear what you think!

Happy Birthday Jim

Those who see and think of things with the intent to create have molded their thought process through a lifetime of curiosity and a desire to seek information. The motivation to explore your thoughts comes from many sources; some obvious like a teacher and others just as important but less direct. The waves were rolling […]

the Growth of Culture

A culture is like a garden. It consists of many sections, each able to heal and nurture a hungry mind as well as provide inspiration, motivation and entertainment. These individual sections may start out small and weak, but with enough interest and involvement, can grow wild with restrictionless creativity. What is your ideal garden? Do […]


…parallel and perpendicular lines! A Nihilist sticker peeks over the fence during a Charger Central gathering. Again I am drawn to the green and red contrast. The peeling fence paint and the fall colored leaves battle the greens of the palm and background trees but give way to the small but dominating icon of the […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com