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Archive for the 'art' Category

Dripping a Trail by Bryan Snyder

Dripping a Trail by Bryan Snyder Once dominated by the beach lifestyle, extreme sports and high school football, the Carlsbad Village community has evolved over the past 10 years into a thriving art scene. Murals now cover the local walls, art themed events scatter the calendar and a steady flow of street art installations keep […]

WIN original art by CAW Gloria Muriel

WIN ORIGINAL ART by Gloria Muriel HOW IT WORKS 1. Take photo of Gloria Muriel’s Carlsbad Art Wall mural (map) 2. Upload photo to Instagram 3. Tag @snyderart @senorgrubbys @gloriamuriel #CarlsbadArtWall – Most creative photo wins this original illustration by current CAW artist AND a $20 gift certificate to Grubby’s. Winner announced during the next […]

Snyder’s Street Art Workshop: Carlsbad Art Wall

Snyder’s Street Art Workshop: Carlsbad Art Wall In the days leading up to each Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) new mural, Snyder leads a teen street art workshop on the east facing wall of Señor Grubby’s in the Carlsbad village. On June 3, 2016, Snyder ran his workshop with teens from the Boys and Girls Club […]

Become a Snyder Art Ambassador

The Wave (2016) 48in.x36in. $550 (your commission: $100) I am excited to announce a new opportunity to join the team as a Snyder Art Ambassador. As a member of this team, you will be able to use your networking and creativity to help match some of my newest drip paintings to new homes. HOW IT […]

Legendary Locals of Carlsbad book

Legendary Locals of Carlsbad by Cynthia Mestad Johnson A collision of cultures in a seaside resort community, Carlsbad sits on a seven-mile stretch of white-sands beach idyllically located on the Pacific coast of north county San Diego. The idea of Carlsbad began in the late 1880s when two small groups of entrepreneurs ascended, simultaneously, from […]

Sebastien Walker paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

click photos to enlarge The Carlsbad Flower Fields are not the only things exploding with spring season color. On March 26-27, 2016, Parisian muralist Sebastien Walker painted the Carlsbad Art Wall transforming the east facing exterior wall of Señor Grubby’s into a detailed gift of color and character. Born and raised in Paris, France and […]

Snyder’s Carlsbad Village Mural Map

Bryan Snyder, Carlsbad village artist and Carlsbad Art Wall creative director, has released an official Carlsbad Village Mural Map. This map contains the ultimate guide to street art and murals varying from large scale commissioned murals to small and hidden stencils by a variety of local and visiting Carlsbad village artists. Like public art, the […]

Sebastien Walker to paint Carlsbad Art Wall

WHAT: Sebastien Walker to paint Carlsbad Art Wall WHEN: March 26, 27 (all day) WHERE: Señor Grubby’s (map) The Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) project continues through its 2nd year with the wall’s first international artist. Parisian artist/designer Sebastien Walker, now living in Los Angeles, is scheduled to paint Saturday, March 26, 2016 at Señor Grubby’s […]

Snyder Art endorses No on A

On February 23, I will be voting NO on Measure A: Agua Hedionda South Shore Specific Plan. I have carefully read the entire Measure A, the official 9212 Report, the 2006 approved Prop. D and the subsequent Prop. D Community Engagement Process Final Report. I have met with both the Yes and No supporters directly […]

Skye Walker paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

click photos to enlarge With the recent completion of five murals in its inaugural year, the Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) began it’s 2nd season on Saturday, January 16, 2016 with Encinitas muralist Skye Walker on the east facing exterior wall of Señor Grubby’s in the Carlsbad Village. Unlike the previous CAW artists, Walker is a […]

MDMN paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

The Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) located on the east facing wall of Señor Grubby’s has once again become the focus of artistic expression in the Carlsbad Village with its newest mural painted on Saturday, November 7 by Los Angeles street artist MDMN. Fresh of his successful solo show at Gallery 38, MDMN visited the Village […]

Vincent Van Gogh: The Artist by Bryan Snyder

The briskness of an early Fall shiver unearths me from my warm covers and drops me atop the souls of my cold and damp boots. Out my bedroom window, early birds chirp the sounds of hunger, filling my ears with a recognizable sensation of emptiness, desire and despair. I attempt to deflect the day’s offering […]

Devon Liston paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

The east facing wall of Señor Grubby’s in the Carlsbad Village, also known as the Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW), has been painted by a growing collection of visiting artists—each exhibiting drastically different personalities and visual aesthetics. The inaugural visiting street artist from Los Angeles was bumblebeelovesyou with easily digestible imagery and kid friendly scenery. Following […]

Open Space – an artwork installation by Bryan Snyder

WHAT: Open Space artwork installation WHERE: Vinaka Cafe (map) WHEN: September 2015 This collection of artwork by Carlsbad Village artist Bryan Snyder questions the effects of development on nature, the ocean and community through large scale and brightly colored paintings in Snyder’s signature drip style. Snyder’s iconic paintings include a collaboration with Surfing Madonna artist […]

Devin Liston to paint the Carlsbad Art Wall

Carlsbad Art Wall mural project continues with 4th professional Los Angeles street artist Devin Liston The Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) project continues with its 4th mural to be painted by Los Angeles street artist Devin Liston on Saturday Aug. 29 (all day) at Señor Grubby’s. The east facing wall of Señor Grubby’s located at 377 […]

Annie Preece paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

For months you pass a favorite piece of public art. Each day you gaze upon the bright colors, interactive invitations and whimsical reminiscences. At the moment when you realize that you could not live with out this simple, yet gripping interaction—the artwork is gone. Though sad, it is also exciting knowing that new and fresh […]

Morley paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

On the heels of the inaugural Carlsbad Art Wall mural painted by bumblebeelovesyou, Los Angeles street artist Morley took his turn at painting the CAW—fully aware that he would be replacing a mural that the local community had grown to love. Much like the text based street art that he scatters across the Los Angeles […]

Bumblebeelovesyou paints the Carlsbad Art Wall

A clean coat of white paint slowly dried on the east facing wall of the Carlsbad Village taco hotspot Señor Grubby’s as street artist bumblebeelovesyou finalized his design 100 miles North is his Los Angleles studio. In a week, he would be painting the 28ft x 18ft wall kickstarting the Carlsbad Art Wall, a project […]

Carlsbad Art Wall artist #1: Carlsbad Art Wall

video and photo provided by bumbleelovesyou Snyder announces bumblebeelovesyou as inaugural Carlsbad Art Wall artist Carlsbad Art Wall curator Bryan Snyder has officially announced prolific Los Angeles street artist bubmblebeelovesyou as the first artist scheduled to paint the newly established Carlsbad Art Wall. “Through artwork including large scale stencil portraits of children and beehive installations in […]

The Carlsbad Art Wall presented by Snyder Art

Carlsbad artist Bryan Snyder invites Los Angeles street artists to Carlsbad to paint a new mural each month Starting on Friday March 6, and running the duration of the year, Carlsbad Village based artist Bryan Snyder will be bringing a Los Angeles street artists/muralist each month to paint a mural in the Carlsbad Village. The […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com