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Archive for the 'art' Category

Halloween 2008

I return to the ARTpartment after a long day of colors, shapes and repetition. The door swings open and reveals Edie in a robe dabbing makeup in front of a vertical mirror. “Oh Andy”, she calls out as I waltz into the room. She wraps her warm arms around my neck and squeezes as if […]

friends of the ARTpartmemt

Friends and family arrived with pumpkins as the glue guns warmed and the radio awoke. Pumpkin bread baked in the oven as the breeze carried cool air and the scent of cinnamon. The television slept as conversation erupted and refreshments bubbled to the beat of another creative night at the Artpartment. Each crawler grabbed a […]

Halloween Art Show: Oside

WHAT: local art and costume WHEN: October 31st 7pm WHERE: Speakeasy Studio (MAP) WHY: local art, music, treats and costumes Dress to scare and enjoy this year’s Halloween with a night of creativity!

imagine all the people

A lifetime of creating begins with subtle ideas. You doodle favorite cartoons on folded napkins and scribble observations on the back of your hand. Crayons fill space between the lines of strangers and rhymes grow on the tip of your tongue. Your room becomes cluttered with the nurturing of a skill and your interests in […]

Evan Delaney Rodgers Art Signs

  As the Carlsbad city council election nears, signs begin sprouting within our neighborhoods and village. Flimsy material sway in the early fall winds with names of hopeful candidates. The sun intensifies contrasting colors and abbreviated slogans push you towards the local paper or website. Carlsbadcrawl has become interested in Evan Delaney Rodgers‘ ideas, specifically […]

I am Carl Crawl

Each day begins with a wander so wide. A nod at the sun, I follow the tide. My hat reaches skyward with a buckle askew. My hair is in tangles, a sight for a rue. My clothes are simple, faded and old. My eyes are full of sincerity, my ambition is bold. I meander in […]

carlsbadcrawl t shirts: batch#2

A weed thrives on the ability to grow without restrictions. A manicured garden has limits and boundaries and is “weeded” to eliminate wild growth. An unmanicured garden, much like a forest, grows freely, wrapping around nearby trees and hanging off tall branches. Each individual plant interacts with its neighbors, ultimately creating a single entity of […]

…local art can.

Once upon a time there was a trashcan who despised categories, stereotypes and trash. Each day began with a steamy insult and ended with a swift cleansing by a gloved city worker. The early morning supplied promise, but was always thwarted by a hurried passer and his misinformed characterizations. His passion and love for the […]

Carlsbad is an Artist

The whaling horn of a passing train warns as the tide awakes under the thick haze of the sagging sky. The moon hides a grin and shoots winks across the moist sky. A wish tumbles under my feet, through dry shrubs and over sandy rocks ending in an echoing splash. Ripples play tag along the […]

Labor of Love

The sun peaks through the fading clouds and begins to intensify as I prepare my project. Sweat builds under my hat and I squint skyward. The sun hisses and I wince. My ankles ache and I grind my teeth. Sunblock begins to melt off my face like a the organic drips of a dwindling candle. […]

The Musing Tree

Ideas hang in our minds like the ripening fruit of a prosperous tree. With time and care, they become plump, colored with age and ready to fall to the ground. If your mind was a tree and your ideas fruit, what would you grow? When ripe and heavy, let your ideas fall to the ground. […]


Carlsbadcrawl would like to thank all whom participated in out most recent project: Artist at work. The response to our cones has been incredible. Everyone from Roger the Local Juggler to the North County Times has shown interest. Its been a great experience and we feel in a sense, large or small, we brought together […]

Snyder Art 2008:Opening Reception

A good conversation is more informative than a college degree. A friendship more desired than a profitable deal. A smile warms the heart and a laugh is contagious. Photos flash and glasses raise as new memories tuck deep into the archives of our lives. On August 8th 2008, Snyder Art opened its arms to the […]

Bryan Snyder Interview: part 2

Worked in paint, but with a brush that never touches the canvas. Though abstract and spontaneous, they are built up into very recognizable and detailed icons. A body of work that lacks a theme in terms of subject, but finds harmony in technique. They are gestural but restricted… spontaneous but premeditated…this is my current work… […]

the beginning…

Each weekend morning started the same. As the day wiped its sleepy eyes and my neighbors brewed coffee, I dragged my stencils into place and begun an onslaught of splatters. The hours blew through my complex like a wandering leaf down an empty village street. The early Spring air numbed my ears as I watched […]

All aboard the crazy train!

Have you packed you bags and hit the road in route for Carlsbad and the Snyder Art 2008 experience? Get out on the road and put up that thumb. There is only one day left. The word is Ozzy is close and will be bringing fellow icons Jerry Garcia, Paris Hilton, Bob Marley and local […]

PROJECT:Artist at Work

Carlsbadcrawl’s most recent project was inspired by a Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce sponsored event called Art in the Heart of the Village. The chamber’s project attempts to “promote a sense of community.” Local artists are given the opportunity to adopt hydrants or electrical boxes to paint. Each adopted location has a price of $300-750 depending […]

Bryan Snyder Interview: part 1

“My creativity was probed young during that assembly and from that day on I copied every cartoon character I could find.” Click HERE to read how I was inspired and to see the resulting doodles!

Local Art: Courtney Barnett

click photos to enlarge As the sun goes down and the street lights shine, hoards of people fill the remaining hours of the day hopping from the numerous village pubs and restaurants. Snakes slither while mice dine and laughter can be heard throughout the streets. On this rare Saturday night the focus of attention was […]

Art Reception: Carlsbad

WHAT: Art Show and Reception WHO: Courtney Barnett WHEN: July 26th (Sat.) 6-10pm WHERE: Salon 580 (MAP) WHY: Local Art Spend the evening crawlin’ the village and stop by the reception to see some local art!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com