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Archive for the 'art' Category

Coachella Art and Music Festival 2009

The sun pinched and dust scratched as we sat in the middle of a swarming parking lot. Shade was as rare as a hobo’s hot meal and a cool drink soon became flat. Each minute brought more cars; our camp became engulfed by hot engines and smelly tires. Distant tunes echoed off surrounding mountains and […]

PROJECT: Plant an Egg Photos 2009

With only a few eggs still in the streets, we decided it was time to show the faces of each crafty creation. Stay tuned for the winner of the SNYDER ART original painting… Click HERE for all the egg photos!

Snyder Art @ Club 6: SF

6th street, located just off Market, crawls with meandering hobos and sleazy drug dealers. Energy buzzes like a misguided bee hive. Skirmishes outbreak like an inner city epidemic and the corner thrives with business. An old building, slightly dilapidated and surrounded by stagnant puddles, stands firm along a moist alley. A series of colorful rectangle […]

Rosy Weeks

February flipped into the breeze like a napkin blown off a roadside table. Kisses were planted softly on warm cheeks and hands met during long sunset walks. Rhymes scribbled on nameless pages sat snug under wipers and whispers tickled the unexpected ear. Lazy mornings often became mid day snuggles and late night snapshots now dangle […]

Derek Mathis Interview

Pizza Port, Kafana Cafe, coastal crawls and “the bars”… Jump back a decade and wander the Carlsbad coast and village through the black and white photos of Derek Mathis! Click HERE, or the above ad, or on his tab under local artist, to read his interview and to see his work! Lets here what you […]

DEVOlution of a Dumbass

Ideas are like the tides; they come and go. Creative waves surge through your mind in spurts of rolling energy followed by stagnant lulls of the uninspired. Like the varying size of a swell or the direction of its flow, each onslaught differs. Creative outbursts also vary where as one wave of creativity might focus […]

The Adventures of Kiwi and Banana

Carlsbadcrawl will be on a short hiatus for a handful of days. In the meantime, check out the Adventures of Kiwi and Banana by clicking HERE, or the above photo. Feb. 2004-2009 Happy Valentine’s Day! coming soon: local artist interview: derek mathis

OBEY your passion

Graphic designers doodle away on wacom tablets for high profile companies.  Their imaginations piece together shapes and colors, but their creations become flat through client revisions and uneducated recommendations. Design principles are discussed, but soon thwarted by the hand who signs the check. Graphic artists doodle away on wacom tablets for themselves and the onlookers […]

Paris does Providence, RH

filmed and submitted by Jason Groves Your story consists of a string of ideas, adventures and friendships. It defines the person you are and the accomplishments, and failures, you have produced. Like a drifting message sealed in a weathered bottle, your ideas wander. They are fueled by passion and guided by fate. Currents carry them […]

Art Show at Hensley’s

WHAT: Art by Jason Adams WHERE: Hensley’s Flying Elephant (MAP) WHEN: Friday Jan. 30th: 6pm WHY: Local Art and Stencils See you there!

Happy Birthday Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956) Who from the past influences your present? click HERE to make your own pollock painting! take a screen shot and send it our way!

LABOR OF LOVE by bryan snyder

The act of creating produces a finished project, which describes one’s thoughts at that moment. Projects strung together begin to develop a story and eventually result in the documentation of one’s life. Like words on paper, thoughts can be recorded in many ways. Ideas splattered in paint line the walls of your home and chiseled […]

a crafty bday at the ARTpartment

December 21st is the first day of Winter, the Winter solstice and the longest night of the year. This day has held important significance in many past cultures. Seasonal changes have informed animals when to mate and farmers have used this astrological alarm to sow crops and meter reserves. For us at Carlsbadcrawl, it marks […]

Doodle of the Week 12/13

Ronnie Waited by Courtney Barnett 2008 Send your doodles to theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com! AVAILABLE NOW: carlsbadcrawl 2009 CALENDARS…CLICK HERE!

Doodle of the Week 12/06

Untitled by Wander-er 2008 Send your doodles to theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com! AVAILABLE NOW: carlsbadcrawl 2009 CALENDARS…CLICK HERE!

The Creation of…CARL?

Arguably one of the most famous images in the world. (No, not the carlsbadcrawl sticker, but thanks for the compliment) The Creation of Adam was painted on the ceiling of Vatican City’s Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo circa 1511. It illustrates the moment at which God supposedly breathes life into man. Thanks to Candice and Andy […]

Carlsbadcrawl 2009 Wall Calendar

Exactly one year ago today our first observation was recorded on Carsbadcrawl.com. An in depth documentation of our village soon followed with through observations of our community, local artist interviews and public projects. Today, carlsbadcrawl remains a gift to our community and continues to observe and interact with the intent of encouraging the development of […]

Doodle of the Week 11/22

When Monsters Eat People by Kevin Stallings 2008 5 years old – Hope Elementary School: Mr. Koopsen’s class “I would do anything to forget all that I had been taught in the years I attended art school. I desire the time where my mind was free from the “rights and wrongs” of creating art. As […]

Doodle of the Week 11/15

Mr. Happy by Jew Jew Bean 2008 Remember when the cartoons that we watched on television each Saturday morning were hand drawn, or at least flat digital animations that seemed hand drawn. Remember when Commander Mark of the Drawing Squad was your idol, not Pixar. Each Saturday morning will now be dedicated to hand drawn […]

Street Smarts

Many projects are thwarted by the lack of ideas. Buckets of paint remain stagnant and brushes dry. Canvases lay white and fingernails clean. A creative block can hit like an unexpected quake. The foundation in which you base your thoughts can crumble. What was once stable, can be leveled by the lack of ideas.  When […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com