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Archive for the 'art' Category

SNYDER ART 2009: tonight 7PM

With every painting now hung on the walls, each wall painted, the carpet cleaned, all marketing in place, the web laden with my videos and ideas, food organized, a photographer scheduled and music all lined up, my year’s biggest project is ready to be shown. Snyder Art 2009 open’s its doors tonight at 7PM. I […]

Briana Mooney interview: Living with the Artist

How long have you lived in the ARTpartment with Bryan? Is the current ARTpartment the first or was there another? This August was our 4th year in the ARTpartment. Before that we lived together in a room for rent near Cal State East Bay, where Bryan went to school. The house had 9 bedrooms, 2 […]

The Dripping Boy by bryan snyder

music by Matt Gose As a kid growing up in the middle class and in Carlsbad, the beach was my second home, my babysitter and my playground. The cost was only as much as a jug of water, a bag of grapes and a few sandwiches. My family would pack up the Suburu early each […]

’67 Volkswagen bug by bryan snyder

music by Austin Trujillo A special thanks to Jeremy at Trippy Hippy Creations in Carlsbad for donating his bug and providing the opportunity to create. This bug, and other omnipresent art drip sculpture, at SNYDER ART 2009!

Screen printing by bryan snyder

A weed thrives on the ability to grow without inhibitions. Though perceived as unattractive, the weed showcases qualities much like a beautiful flower, but with the uncanny ability to multiply. An unmanicured garden, much like a forest, grows freely, wrapping around nearby trees and hanging off tall branches.  Each individual plant interacts with its neighbors, […]

Carlsbad Flower Blocks by bryan snyder

Art is omnipresent, it is in everything and all around us. The most mundane appliances or structures can be critiqued in terms of color, composition and conceptual reasoning, ultimately revealing artistic merit. A toaster, a camera and a bicycle are all used, but rarely analyzed. To encourage a visual observation and mental analysis, I have […]

Silicone Molding by bryan snyder

As an artist, the easy part is coming up with the idea. The tough part, though always fun, is carrying it out. As a kid, the medium was always the same… pencil on paper. As I have grown, my projects have become larger and more wide spread. The below steps briefly describes the process of […]

A Sidewalk Doodle

It seems like recent weeks leading up to my show have been packed with chores, meetings and a lot of organizing. The mornings begin with a few hours of emails and online updates and the rest of the day is an attempt to complete as many tasks as possible off a list that rarely shortens. […]

Once upon a time…

Your story grows each day. A page is quickly written in the margins of the day’s events and each chapter lays out your fondest adventures. Your ideas are sewn together like the many memories scattered across you family’s quilt and the your cover art is as simple as a expressionless portrait. Your story eventually comes […]

Stagnant Growth

Local establishments clutter with wind blown cobwebs and newly developed land remains empty. The only difference between a for sale sign and a garage sale sign in the latter comes down Monday morning. Coffee shop chatter brews with retirement vulnerability and a sorrowful balance sheet is forgotten over a lonesome pint. A slumping economy sighs […]

Stenciling by bryan snyder

Stencils have been used for many years and in all occasions. They have created letters to teach kids the ABCs and slogans to express political beliefs. They have been used on roads to alert drivers and on walls for murals. Paint is either sprayed, rolled or dabbed through hand cut designs in paper or cardboard, […]

Carlsbad Sidewalk Surfer

Carlsbad Sidewalk Surfer by bryan snyder from Bryan Snyder on Vimeo. A sleepy morning, thick under May’s gray, slowly rubs the gloom from its eyes as the sun punches its card. Village stores flip their window signs and leaf blowers push debris towards the ocean. Rolling waves pound the shore and a light breeze tickles […]

Jerry connects minds

Art connects minds; it brings people together and provokes new friendships. Long chats ramble into the early hours of tomorrow and ideas intertwine like vines on a thick forest floor. A thought is stimulated by an art piece, followed by the analysis of its many components. At this point, your mind becomes linked to the […]

An Artist’s Village by the Sea

Before Carlsbad was known as a village by the sea, and well before Carlsbad Village Drive and the incorporation of the city, John Frazier dug a well and began distributing water to guests at the local train station. A test was done on the water resulting in chemical similarities to one of Europe’s most famous […]

Carlsbad Village Art Surf: May 1st

Art is omnipresent; it is in everything and it surrounds us at all times. An observant eye picks up on each arrangement of brightly colored flowers, organic cloud formation and scribble in long since wet slabs of concrete. A village crawl is something most of us do because our eyes are attentive and are minds […]

Carlsbad Vilage Art Surf: A Village Crawl

WHAT: Carlsbad Village Art Surf WHEN: May 1st 5PM-8 (today) WHERE: Carlsbad Village WHY: Local Art!!! Spend the evening wandering the village in search for your favorite mural. Mingle with other locals and meet the artists. The event will kick off at the New Village Arts Theater at 5pm. Pick up a map and get […]

SNYDER ART: Carlsbad Village Art Surf

Paintings hang on dining room walls and decorate prestigious museums. Sculptures scatter gardens with twisting figures and films unwrap on televisions. Songs tumble out of radio speakers and words dance on wrinkled pages. Each final piece, though different as a finished form, begins with a series of similar preparation stages. Materials are then applied in […]

Mr. No Name exposed

After an idea is planted, it slowly begins to germinate. It develops through a series of stages, fueled by creativity and nourished by passion. When strong and ready to impact its community, it sprouts for public viewing. It encourages public interaction with the goal of stimulating a thought. Art connects minds, started with a single […]

Where’s Carl Crawl?

Stickers NOW AVAILABLE Who is Carl Crawl? (VIDEO) Each day begins with a wander so wide. A nod at the sun, I follow the tide. My hat reaches skyward with a buckle askew. My hair is in tangles, a sight for a rue. My clothes are simple, faded and old. My eyes are full of […]

Have you seen me? 4.24.09

I am framed like a painting and assembled like an installation. I consist of many oddly shaped pieces of wood, all fitted together like a clunky puzzle. I am old and unpolished. You might see me as dull, but a weathered personality hints at a colorful background. Dust fills my deep crevices and I am […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com