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Archive for the 'art' Category

Marsha Ercegovic Interview

Through tall twisting Eucalyptus trees and bright brushstrokes, Marsha Ercegovic leads you on a visual exploration of the Carlsbad Village… Click HERE, or on the above image, to read her interview and see her work! Let us know what you think?

Edgeware Gallery Opening Reception

Out From Under Ground: Street Art and Modern Pop Group Show Edgeware Gallery (map) 4186 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 Click HERE for the Mini Carlsbad Temptress VIDEO! Show runs through September 17th 2010

Observations of an Artist: The Dude

To be the subject of so many unstaged photos and keep each one as unforgettable as the previous is the sure sign of an natural artist- a artist because of not what they make, but because of who they are. Click HERE for the full story and photos!

Carlsbad’s First Art Show Created by YOU!!!

A black curtain draped over the front window of Snyder’s studio as eager artists and community enthusiasts chatted and checked their watches along Carlsbad’s UpState section of the village. A line formed in front of the locked door well before 6pm and a paint splattered phone buzzed with excited messages and encouragement. Wide smiles and […]

Meet your Plant an Egg 2010 Crafters

click on all photos to enlarge Thank you all for your creativity and support. Plant an Egg 2010 is our 3rd annual Easter project… each one as memorable as the last… and many more to come!

A Creative Beginning 2010

Another year has begun and things are looking good. Get some creativity on your walls with carlsbadcrawl.com’s 2010 wall calendar. Click HERE to order one! …or go to the Wine Spot in Carlsbad on Sat. Jan. 9th from 7-10pm!

carlsbadCRAWL.com 2010 CALENDAR

Another 12 months has come and gone which means we again have gone through our stacks of archived photos and chosen are favorites. 12 months of photos plus one cover shot have been assembled into one glossy wall calendar. What better way to start each month than with a creative photo of your village? Each […]

Beauty is… by Jefferson Elementary

Art is created by two different types of artists. One type creates to share their feelings, the deep emotions that define who they are and how they think. Their art comes from the heart. Others create art strictly for the sale. They paint not from experience or passion, but to lay down colors and shapes […]

more than meets the eye

Art provokes emotion. A perfect rendering of an inviting bouquet of flowers elicits happiness and the seductive curves of a temptress extracts your deepest suppressions. Childhood monsters creep on your forgotten fears and a monochromatic canvas creates doubt. The emotions of each piece begin with the creator. The artist plants an idea deep in their […]

PROJECT: Plant a Joke- a creative afFair

Thousands of locals and Carlsbad guests crawled the village streets during this year’s November Village Street Fair. The sun quickly awoke and danced high in the blue sky above hundreds of vendors. While sneakers scampered upon hot asphalt, crowing poultry scratched in the shady village landscaping… 15 individually painted roosters used the village streets as […]

and the winner is…

Thanks you Margarete and Joe for your support of Carlsbad local art. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we hope to see you again in the village streets soon! Omnipresent Art finds a home in Ponoma, CA another thanks to the other winners of each chair!

ART AUCTION: Omnipresent Art Chair

The goal of these drip sculptures is to emphasize the artistic qualities of the overlooked. Like the homeless that sit in our streets, the appliances, furniture and utensils become so routine that they become transparent. The artistic triumphs become overlooked and the story is lost. Next time you turn on your lamp, marvel at the […]

Doodle of the Week 10/24

Untitled by Justin Barrow circa 2000 Send your doodles to theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com!

creativitY Sells

A garage swells with forgotten treasures and dark closet corners are crammed with childhood memories. Boxes of baseball cards pile high and framed doodles have long since covered hallway walls. Knick knacks in potato sacks dream of slow mornings on sunny window sills and a favorite pair of shoes stares at lonesome telephone wires. Yellow […]

The Carlsbad Temptress by bryan snyder

The village animates with mid day foot traffic and local pubs chatter within tinted windows. The leftovers of another Summer slowly trickle down the leaf scattered streets and city workers dig into sleepy corners. A storm brews in the distance and dark clouds swirl amongst the bright sky like vanilla in a sea of chocolate. […]

Village Art Show: Bakerloo Salon

The seed of an artistic culture has been pushed deep into the sandy soil of our village by the sea. Its shell has gently broken open and has allowed a foundation to slowly grow. Roots expanded as the soil became accepting and nourishing. In the two years since that optimistic planting, our village has become […]

Movement in the Streets

A crawl down the cool hallways of a well organized art museum exposes you to the many movements of modern art history. Early experimentation of abstract art flirted with the capabilities of the mind and the emotional experience of being alive was conveyed in the bold gestures of expressionism. Pop Art used everyday commodities to […]

local forecast: LIGHTNING BOLTS

Contact theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com for a pair of your own bolts!!!

Village Blocks of Creativity

Another chapter has been completed. Snyder Art 2009 drifts into the past and the gallery slowly transforms back into a working studio. All flyers have been removed from our village streets and carlsbadcrawl.com shifts back to artistic observations of a village by the sea. Many Carlsbad Flower Blocks have been taken home, but a few […]

from me to you…

The goal I set to achieve with Snyder Art 2009 was to emphasize the benefits of a healthy culture based on the arts. I wanted to highlight the rewards of creativity. I attempted to reunite friendships and introduce strangers.  I built a stage where the art was not what hung on the walls, but what […]

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com