A black curtain draped over the front window of Snyder’s studio as eager artists and community enthusiasts chatted and checked their watches along Carlsbad’s UpState section of the village. A line formed in front of the locked door well before 6pm and a paint splattered phone buzzed with excited messages and encouragement. Wide smiles and
inspired eyes met the face of an artist whom had dreamed of this moment for months as the door of Snyder Art and Design swung open for Carlsbad’s First Art Show Created by YOU!!!
The night’s artists quickly circled the center art supply table while 37 blank canvases hung from the surrounding white walls. Paint soon smeared, pastels scraped, magazines tore and crayons colored to the beat of unrestricted creativity. Like a weed laden forest, each canvas sprouted with wild creativity. Jon Ji animated the studio with his cowboy bebop and gypsy crawl while paint splattered hands periodically traded in the brushes for a spontaneous tambourine solo. The late Spring breeze whipped the scent of Turpentine. The clickity clack of urethane wheels signaled another fresh delivery and cheers tumbled
down the streets as Michael presented another fresh order from Paradise Pizza in Carlsbad.
The outside sidewalk was transformed into a giant community canvas where the local kids scraped chalk the color of an Easter morning basket. A feathered friend greeted visitors and a ground level light enhanced the colorful sidewalk saturations. Limited edition prints, hand screened t shirts and CDs piled high atop a table and a community bulletin board rattled amongst the roars of Cantina bound street hogs.
click photos to enlarge!
The night’s goal was to emphasize the creative process while eliminating the stress of a final piece. Each canvas evolved throughout the duration of the night and a final piece sat high atop an endless staircase. Friends chatted ideas and strangers shared canvases. Paint dripped down white walls and burrowed into surprisingly clean carpet. Multiple video
cameras hummed and sporadic interviews sprouted. Permanent marker doodles were encouraged on the bathroom walls and the creative photos by Leetal Elmaleh captured the night’s shenanigans.
Carlsbad’s First Art Show Created by YOU!!! was a result of discussions with friends, the desire to encourage the creative process and a wholeheartedly attempt to express appreciation for all the support and encouragement that has received during the past 3 years. Snyder Art and Design has rambled a slew of paintings documenting local iconography and influences, implemented a variety of community connecting projects and highlighted the great members that make up our amazing village by the sea. This event was a gift back to the village community as a way to express my gratitude and appreciation….
Music: Jon Ji (website)
Photos: Leetal Elmaleh (website)
Food: Paradise Pizza in Carlsbad (website)
Click HERE for all the night’s PHOTOS and PAINTINGS!
Thank you for all your support, interest and participation!
Had a blast SNY…JOB WELL DONE!!!!
A great idea and looks like a wonderful night! Please make it an annual event, Bryan. Would have been there this year but it was Cal State graduation and had relatives in town to celebrate. Thanks for your support of art, skating, youth, creativity, and freedom in Carlsbad. Have a great summer!