8+ years and 36 murals later, it was finally my turn to paint the Carlsbad Art Wall. I’ve collaborated on this wall in the past with Sean Dominguez, Alex Gall, Visit Carlsbad and friends and family of Jack Munday, but never have I painted the wall independently.

I originally created the ‘Dripping Boy’ design for installing in the streets, which I ended up doing as close as here in Carlsbad and as far as Australia, as well as on canvas, stickers, prints, etc. Why revisit the same design so often over nearly 20 years?

Almost all my art is driven by memories. My goal with Doodle is to resurface long forgotten, yet recognizable, childhood memories which I call ‘reminiscent pop art’. As a kid growing up in Carlsbad, I spent a lot of time on the beach. The Point was our beach, but we bounced down to Turnarounds (we called it Driftwood) and everywhere in between. Dripping a castle on the beach has always been a vivid memory that I cherish as it represents time with family, carefree hours connected with nature and memories of a more simple time.

In addition to resurfacing memories, my art aims to connect community and help develop culture. Many of us who live, work or visit Carlsbad have dripped a castle on the local coast. This design encourages all passersby to resurface their own memory and share it with a friend, family member or stranger… ultimately creating a chain of shared experiences—or culture.

As you look at ‘Dripping Boy’ on the Carlsbad Art Wall, notice the bright and overlapping colors hidden within the midtones of the graphics. Let the colors resurface your own memory. As Doodle drips these overlapping colors onto his sand castle, reflect on your own colorful story. Reminisce about a life that was a bit more random like a wind blown beach ball bouncing down the summer sand, or as adventurous as a meandering sailboat at open sea.
Where was Turnarounds or Driftwood? Those names are new to me.