Breeding Bold Opinions, Not Babies

The Carlsbad Village awakens each day with shady early morning streets, glassy waves and hands clinched around warm cups of coffee. Brisk walks scamper along the boardwalk and the noiseless streets are occasionally polluted with the roar of a leaf blower.

Compared to culturally laden communities around the globe, Carlsbad is censored and well mannered. A protest is usually limited to the front doors of a local grocery store and bold political conversation is usually restricted to to curb outside Planned Parenthood.

The local streets often remain quiet and censored, but occasionally a bold voice introduces drama, forced opinions and borderline bigotry.

1 Response to “Breeding Bold Opinions, Not Babies”

  1. 1 Mike Aug 27th, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    I concur – Awesome piece of work!!!!

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