…a little help from our friends.


Carlsbadcrawl’s goal has always been to create culture. We present ideas and encourage interaction. Each project attempts to connect the minds of our community, whether through provoking a friendly chat while searching for hidden eggs or through an idea glued to an ornament and analyzed by the finder. If all goes well, the minds of our community link through art, creativity and the love of Carlsbad.

It’s not always easy. Many hours go into each post, project and interview. Ideas are presented, but not always found. Some minds are harder to influence. Every once in awhile we get a little help from the local press.

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1 Response to “…a little help from <i>our</i> friends.”

  1. 1 Jeff Dowler May 11th, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    I love this whole idea of the Art Surf in Carlsbad. Carlsbad has continued to impress me with the art offerings, galleries and events. Being a collector, former gallery owner, and art lover, it is one of the things that I think sets our town apart.

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Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com