a crafty bday at the ARTpartment


December 21st is the first day of Winter, the Winter solstice and the longest night of the year. This day has held important significance in many past cultures. Seasonal changes have informed animals when to mate and farmers have used this astrological alarm to sow crops and meter reserves. For us at Carlsbadcrawl, it marks another year in the creative life of a local artist.

sophia-sprinkler.jpgExactly 28 years ago the journey of an artist began on a stormy night under a full moon and on the cusp between two astrological signs. Each day since has risen to unpredictable highs and tumbled to heart aching lows. Bumps have rattled, but the wheels remain moving.

We would like to thank all who joined the celebration. The walls echoed with chatter, the crafts pulsated with creativity and an artistic culture of like minds connected during another Winter Solstice birthday.

Thank you all!

click HERE and HERE for past ARTpartment gatherings!

HINT: keep your eyes open in the upcoming days!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com