Archive for August 27th, 2012

Original Doodle paintings by Snyder

Snyder continues his fascination with Doodle, a mischievous yet innocent character who Snyder first began drawing during his preteen years and has recently introduced into his professional art. Through Doodle, Snyder probes the long forgotten remembrances of your early forgotten years. Where Pop Art included imagery from popular culture, Snyder’s Reminiscence Pop Art includes popular […]

Breeding Bold Opinions, Not Babies

The Carlsbad Village awakens each day with shady early morning streets, glassy waves and hands clinched around warm cups of coffee. Brisk walks scamper along the boardwalk and the noiseless streets are occasionally polluted with the roar of a leaf blower. Compared to culturally laden communities around the globe, Carlsbad is censored and well mannered. […]

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