Snyder Art Community Collage: THOM PAIN

THOM PAIN: Based on Nothing by Will Eno begins with the definition of FEAR and continues with a rambling, yet fairly coherent, rant about experiences and observations from the life of the main, and only character, THOM PAIN.

To bring community together through art and creativity by creating a communal collage based on the main character and theme of the play, as well as to allow a stage for participants to overcome fears by disclosing them in public.

50 bees were scattered within the Carlsbad Village streets with instructions that encouraged “bee” finders to write a personal fear on the bee, bring it to the New Village Arts Theatre and hang it on the wall of the lobby.

Along with hanging their fear on the wall, participants were encouraged to help create a community collage portrait of THOM PAIN hiding behind his fears represented by a beehive.

The act of overcoming a personal fear is observed through the act of disclosing a fear and hanging it in public. Overtime the collage became swarmed by fears, a communal venting and release of mental inhibitions.

The collage built up gradually entirely from magazine tear outs, but the greatest amount of public interaction and interest was in the hanging of fears. Some fears remained on the surface layer with examples of the fear of being late, missing a phone call and the rain while others dug deep exposing the fear of not being wanted, being alone and dying unfaithfully.

Unlike other plays, THOM PAIN interacts with its audience, acknowledging their presence and observing their reactions. The community collage and project did just that where it interacted with the local public and formed a relationship. It provoked reactions and its success, like THOM PAIN: Based on Nothing by Will Eno played by NVA ensemble member Adam Brick, depended much on the interaction of its audience, both which resulted in a very enjoyable experience.

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)