Coloring in the Gray Area


Lines are are drawn and lines are used as bounderies. As a child you were told to stay within them. Your first rules and laws stretched across the white pages of your favorite coloring books and you tried your hardest to abide by them. When the colors of your art box slid across your page, stopping at the edge of a hard thick border, your mother would hang it on the family fridge… a reward for following the rules.

As an adult, the rules and laws of your day carry heavier punishments. Lines are still drawn to restrict and maintain, but the consequence of a wild smear of color is no longer a motivational push to try again.

When do your colors cross the lines?

4 Responses to “Coloring in the Gray Area”

  1. 1 Fotog Jul 28th, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    Ice T. Colors. Baby. 100%. Insightful piece Bryan!

  2. 2 pigpen Jul 29th, 2009 at 7:18 am

    Great shot! Car driving on the sidewalk in the projected lines of the crosswalk, pedestrians walking diagonally across the road…classic.
    The composition reminds me of a Peter Greenaway short film called Vertical Features Remake, where a fictional narrator catalogs every single vertical feature (telephone poles, trees, fences, etc.) within a one mile radius. You should check it out but unless you want your t.v, smashed you might want to watch that one alone…

  3. 3 SteelyDAM Jul 29th, 2009 at 6:56 pm

    Wow, a Camry-driving Rebel. Never thought such a being existed.

  4. 4 solie Aug 28th, 2009 at 11:20 pm

    I wonder what I am creating by never telling my children to stay in the lines… am I in trouble?

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