Carl’s Bad Dream by Snyder Art

An early Fall chill runs through moist grass and shadows dance upon a rolling green hill. Cars speed on the neighboring freeway as a low murmur of hot rubber and overworked engines makes their best impersonations of waves crashing upon the nearby beach. A powerboat yanks limp vests and the stories of a thousand nightmares scribble on the faces of muted fishermen. Herons pierce their beaks into the lagoon murk like a long-legged junky poking her soggy arm and an erected silhouette looms gigantically in the distance.

Upon a hill sits a house high above its surrounding land with morals as low as the depths of Hell. Its roof torn off like the scalp of a mutilated pumpkin and its windows shattered by the fist of time. Its walls peel as if burned and its garden grows untouched. A chimney that once eliminated conviction remains cold, littered with cobwebs and stained the color of a silenced tongue.

Each year, the night of November’s Eve, the house awakens. Its walls scamper with critters as black as death. Its floor pools with the blood of a fresh bite and its foundation floats upon a boiling stew. A Black Widow, intoxicated from Machiavellian tendencies, crawls the height of the chimney, hanging far below the remains of another trick. As gentle as a single kiss, a virgin neck is pierced. Blood drips to the ground and a single cry echos under the full moon.

The house upon the grassy hill, high above the speeding freeway, awakens only once a year. Like a nightmare, the house’s awakening occurs only briefly, but tortures immensely. The house thrives on its annual nightmare, the one night when it awakens from its slumber and feasts on the dreams of Carlsbad…

Happy Halloween from Snyder Art


3 Responses to “Carl’s Bad Dream by Snyder Art”

  1. 1 Brian Garvey Oct 28th, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    Love your stuff, keep going and never look back. Let’s stay in touch. Peace

  2. 2 via twitter Oct 28th, 2010 at 11:22 pm

    really cool halloween stuff. will someone trip if I go check it out?

  3. 3 Christy Johnson Oct 29th, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Wonderful…simply wonderful! Thanks for sharing your perspective with the world…we are richer for it!!

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