Battle of the Bubble


A mind is like a front lawn on a brisk Fall afternoon and thoughts are the leaves that clutter it. Worries sway through delayed moments of contemplation and tumble through the numbing air when ripe or wasted. As the the grass becomes hidden and a path forgotten, a lawn no longer serves as a soft seat for a couple’s picnic or a smooth stretch for kid’s Slip n Slide. The grass, once green and sun soaked, becomes damp, dull and wilts under the weight of stress.

When does your mind become cluttered? Do you ever find yourself in a bubble? Do you find yourself trapped within a whirlwind of worries? How do you cope with stress? Entertainment becomes infrequent and long naps in front of a muted television monopolizes your free time. Crawls through the village become dull and bright colors fade. Thoughts multiply like wet Gremlins. Your last overdue bill overlaps late car payments and overtime is expected. Squeaky brakes taunt and looming deadlines gloom. How thick is your bubble and where is that needle?

How do you cope with a cluttered mind? What is your needle?

4 Responses to “Battle of the Bubble”

  1. 1 SteelyDAM Apr 27th, 2008 at 3:24 pm

    Carlsbad – there’s worse places to be Bubble Boy.

  2. 2 bee honey Apr 28th, 2008 at 8:15 am

    I can totally relate….

  3. 3 Dan Schonberg Apr 29th, 2008 at 8:09 am

    things that puncture my zen bubble, the bubble that keeps me so calm, are things like this. The other day I saw a solar powered toucan whose eyes light up and makes bird sounds. Last time I checked, that stuff used for solar power is a precious metal that we only have finite amounts of…and their making decorative stupid toucans out of it! When we have such an energy crisis. That kind of stuff punctures my bubble.

  4. 4 zig May 5th, 2008 at 11:25 am

    I get trapped in that bubble
    then I escape
    by means of mind power(*&(*&*

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