A Lasting Impression

You scatter Facebook and Twitter with photos. You cover your car with eye catching stickers and you dye your hair the color of a late September sunset. Long painted nails make your office job impossible and the exterior of your home is painted the colors of a brightly decorated Easter Egg. In one way or another, you attempt to make yourself stand out.

You yearn for attention, but is that desire to be noticed enough? To be noticed is one thing, but the lasting impression is another. You may take off a magnificent dress at the end of a day, but that memory, if truly magnificent, carries on through stories, articles and photos. A beautiful song goes mute the day the artist stops singing unless it is chosen to be covered. A historical event with lasting importance is immortalized through film.

“Being noticed is one step short of a lasting impression”

How do you standout? How is it different than just being noticed?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com