What is your explanation?


Eyes wide open and a mind willing to wander can spot observations that puzzle as well as provoke. When you pick up on them, they can do both. This sight was found during a sunset crawl down the blvd.

What in this photo looks odd and what is your explanation?

2 Responses to “What is your explanation?”

  1. 1 Solie Sep 23rd, 2008 at 7:11 am

    I spy! I believe this was my spy, was it not?! I know the true stroy behind the bench! Do I give it away, awww nope!

  2. 2 Jenn Sep 23rd, 2008 at 11:23 am

    Okay I could totally wrong on this but to me the odd think about this photo os the man himself. He is sitting on the bench yet there is an odd pair of legs resting on the backside of the bench. My explanation is that someone, maybe his wife is laying with her head on his lap and her feet propted up on the bench. No…????

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