Swell of an Idea: Santa Barbara in Nov.

Rincon sunset

Tourists fluid are shady village streets on vacations much like we do to other communities during our days off. We grimace when traffic creeps along the coast highway and splash water when our local lineups bob with farmer tans. We all like to travel as much as we love Carlsbad, but unlike most who visit our streets and beaches, we get to return to paradise.

lrSanta Barbara is much like Carlsbad. Dominated by a thriving surf culture and rushed with summertime tourism. There is a downtown village scattered with boutiques and pubs. NO SKATEBOARDING signs are littered on every post, pole and wall. Moms and children scamper within the shady streets during the days and the younger crowds pound chests and show leg during the nights.

fenceThe coast line has been blessed and cursed at the same time. At least a half dozen points line the coast, but stay dormant for most of the year due to a swell shadow cast by the Channel Islands. A head high swell will have to roll in before most points pick up anything. Summer and Spring remains small for the most part. A good beach break can be found during the Summer, but your best bet is Fall and Winter. With fickle swell for most of the year, watch the crowds during the good times because the word of an incoming swell brings out every Al Merrick board in the entire county!

lr wide

What swell, shenanigans or adventures have you found in SB?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com