Street Smarts


Many projects are thwarted by the lack of ideas. Buckets of paint remain stagnant and brushes dry. Canvases lay white and fingernails clean. A creative block can hit like an unexpected quake. The foundation in which you base your thoughts can crumble. What was once stable, can be leveled by the lack of ideas.  When in need, when your mind hits a block, look outward. Observe your surroundings and keep abreast with current and past events. Fallow the many stories that flutter the pages of your newspaper and other reads. One might ignite your next project…

Have you noticed the ideas of past politicians, writers and scientists in the streets of our community? Someone has used the streets as their cork board and randomly tacked a variety of influential quotes. George Washington rambles on his way to check the waves and George Orwell evades the thought police at the car wash…

condo.jpg offshore.jpg raw-skin-surf-shop.jpg hydrant.jpg pig.jpg
state4.jpg pots.jpg state3.jpg state2.jpg state1.jpg

If we missed any, let us know!

Who arranged this art project? It’s a mystery to us at carlsbadcrawl, but our archives just might provide a clue! How observant are you?

this is not a carlsbadcrawl project, but we support all forms of expression

1 Response to “Street Smarts”

  1. 1 green Nov 14th, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    We commend whoever did this project and carlsbadcrawl for covering it.

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